Minutes 1943-04-21 26g ~ Arrayo ~rande~ Calig. ~ _ _ ~ ~prf ~ 2I' 1943 . ~ 'fhe Gity Gounci2 met in regular sesaion r~rith ~ayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll eall Councilsiea Phillig~~achr;~yder! Thelander ar~d ~~n~y reported present.Absent none. ' Minutes of pre~iot~s meeting read and approved. Co~nication~ read and ordered filed. The Couneil authorized rental of the buildiAgs at the City Park Site t4 the State Fire Suppression Cre~v at the same rental and v~ater rates as last year. Couneilman ~ennq avas reqczested to sec~re bids - Prom Iocal coneera$ Por required saaitary plumbing~ improvemes~s at the City Park 5ite. The City Cierk was in$trueted by the Cot~nei2 to eantact ~dr.Ric~iard Harris of aan Lui~ ~bispo re~ardir~g the position of ~rroyo Grande ~ity ,~lttorney. invitation was to be extended to ~lr~Harri~ to attend the ne~rt regular Councfl meetit~g~to be held ~ay 5th. l~o further business appeariag and upon motion the meeting wa~ ad~ourned. ~~PF.aT. . . • ~'I3'Y' C ' ~4.YCfR.