Minutes 1943-05-05 26~ ~lrroyo ~ande~ Calif. ~av 5, 1943. ~ The City Council met in regular session r~it~i Mayor J.~.Gibson presiding. t7pon ro11 call Couneilmen Phillips~~chn~der~ Thelander and ~eruu~~yy report~d present.~Obsent none. ~3nutes of previous meetin~ read and approved. No eommunications appeared to be read at this meetir~. Upon motion by Couneilman Schn~yder~seeonded by Couneilman Th~land~r and unanimou~sly passed the City Council appointed Mr.Richard Harri~ to th~ positian oP City ~ttorney of the City of ~rroyo Grandetthe salary to be $ 3p.p0 per monthibegining with th~ date o~ ~ay z,z9~.3• :~fter discussion the Couneil authorized the painting of a red - no parking sign - the length of one e ar ~ on the curb ~ in front of the oPfi c e of the ~u~tice oP the Peace. Claims against the General Fund in the amount o~' ~ 9~9•59~the Water Fund in the amount o~ ~ 55o.0I~ the t~ater Deposit F~nd in the amouat of ~ 24.00 and the SpeciaT Gas T~ Street Improvement fund in the amoun~ of $ 480.19 were audited~approved and ordered P~$• l~o further business appearing and ~pon motion ' the meetin,~ ~as adjourned. ~ r . ~T~~T. W w - ~IT~ CL R. G~"""-' T• ~i4Y(3~t. t~rro~o Granc3e~ Calif. ~~Y 19, 1943• -~he City Council met in regular session~~ayor Gib~on being absent Cour~~i~~ phillips was appoin~ed cha.irman and aeting ~dayar in his place. Upon roll call Councilmen ~hillips~Schnyder~Thel~nder ~€nd ~denr~r reported present.~bsent Mayor Gibson. ~inutes oP previous meetin~ read and approved. Communieatione read and ordered filed. ~ cor~rnittee representing the Parent Teaehers Associ.ation appeared and d~.scussed at length w:ith t~ie Council the , problem of ~uv~n~~e supervision.The Couneil signified a willin,gness to support any intelligent pr~gram but deelared that it v~a~s not their plaee to work ou~ the detail~ of such a program. Upon motion b~ Couneilman Thelander~seeonded by Couneilman Sehnyder and unanimously as~ed it vv~a.s ordered that the bid oF ~ineau & Loom:is for $ 335•86 eovering eost of sanitary fixtures ~nd installation o~' same at the City Park be aceepted. The dog ordinance question came up for further di~scussion between the Cfl~ncil and the City Attorney.T~ii ~LttQrney~ agreed to have an up to date ordin~nce covering this situation ready for a first reading at the next mee~3,ng. No f~urther busines~ appearirig and upon motion the m~eting was ad~ourn~d. ~T~ES~. W_ W ~ n~ . _ _ , .