Minutes 1943-06-02 270 :14rroyo G~ande ~ Cal~f . ~ ~ _ June 2~ Iq43. ~ ~'he ~ity Couneil met in regular.session with ~ayor J.S.Gib~on presid3ng. Upon roll ca11 Councilmen Philli~s~Sehnyder and Thelander report~d present.~lbsent Councilman ~ienr~p. Minutes of previous meeting read and approqed. ~ There were no com~nications to be read at this meeting, Ordinance ~ 79 ~ras read for the first time. The Council instrueted 5t.~ipt.Ewl.ng to post any properties that have not beem c3eaned oPf and Pire hazard eliminated and that owners af said properties be notifi~d as provided by las. 1'he ~'auncil authorized the purchase of new tires for the Cit~r~ Chevrolet Pickup. ~ A No Parking Sign was ord~red placed on I~evada St. Claims against the General F~,uid in the amount of $ 2384.73~ the 1i~ater Fund in the amount of $ 44.5.p$ and the ~Uater Deposit Fund in the amount of $$.pp were audited~approved and ardered paid. No Further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ },r ; AT",t'EST. - ~ _ • Y . CITY CL K. 4R. ~ , :Arro~ro Grande ~Cal3.f . June 16:1943• . The City Council met in regular session with Mayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Sehnyder~ Thelander and Menny reported present.Absent none, Minutes of previoua meeting read and approved. Communications read and ordered filed, Upon motion~regularly seconded and carried un€~r~.imously a second reading of Ordinance #?9 ~ra.s waived. ORD~N~NCE ~ ~ AN ORDIN~TCE TO PROHIBIT DOGS AND OTHEft A1tiTTIIM~lI,.~ RtTATNING ~T ~IRGL ~N THE CITY QF ~tRR0Y4 GR~4N']1E ~ND PROV~DING FdR THE POUND KEEP~ ~1ND ~I? CI1'Y POUND 6IND REPEu~ING QRDIRT~NCE 4F THE CITY OF ARROYD GR~T~~ ~4ND FR. ES CRI BI PtG PENALTI E5 . Passed and adopted b~ the f'olling vote vn roll call. ~AYES. COLTNCILMF.~T GI BSO1~~ PHILLIPS ~ SCHNYDER ~ THL•'L~AND~R dc M . NOES. NONE. , ~BSEI~T. I~ONE. . Upon motion by Couneilman Phillips~seconded by Cauncil~n Menny and passed without dissent C..~.MeKenzie was appointed Pound Keeper. The Council authorized the State Fire Suppre$sion Cre~ to make necessary changes and improvements on buildin~s at Cf ty Park Site. ~ OVER ~