Minutes 1943-06-16 ~ 270 ~ :~4rroyo ~rrande ~ Ca13f . ~ C~'J June 2, z943. The City Council ~et in regular:session with Mayor J.~.Gibson pr~siding. Upon roll car3, Gouncilmen Phillfps~Sehn~yder and Thelander reported present.~lbsent Councilm~n ~terin,y., ~ . Mir~utes oF previous meeting read and approved. There were no communications to be rea.d at this meeting. Ordinanee # 79 was read for the f3,rst t3.me. The Council instrueted St.~ipt.Et~ir~g to post any properties that have not beem eleaned o~'f and fire ha.zard eliminated and that owners of said properties be notified as provided by la~r. Th~ Council authorized the purcha.~e of n~w tires for tY~e Citjr' Chevrolet pickup. ~ A No Parking Sign was ordered plaeed on ~Tevada St. Claims against the ~eneral F~,~nd in the amount og $ 23$4•73~ t~~ ~ater F`und in the amount of $ 44.5.(}$ and the V~ater Deposit Fund in the amount of ~ 8.0~ were audited~approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjaurned. % : W • w . Gt,~~ % ~ ATTEST. CI TY CL K. 4R. .~4rroyo Grande ~Cali~. June z6:19~3~ . The City Council met in re~ular session with ~ayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Counci2men Phillips~Sehnyder~ Thelander and I~enny reported present.Absent non~. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Communications read and ordered filed, Upon motion~regularly seconded and carried un~nimously a second reading of Ordinance #'~9 vuas waived. ORD~I~TCE ~ ~ AN ORDIN~NCE T(7 PROHIBIT DOGS AND OTHER A~TID~i.t~ RCTNI+TING ~T ~RGE: ~N THE CITY OF ~ARR~YO GR~lNDE ~ND PROVZDZNG F4R THE POUND KEEPER ~LIV'D 611 CI1'Y POUND ~ REPF~~NG ORI?IN~NCE ~ OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR.~N3?E ~4ND I~`R FB CRI BI IVG PIIVALTI ES . Passed and adopted b~ the Polling vote on roll call. ~AYES. COtTNCIL~ddII~T GI BS41~~ PHILL.IPS ~ SCHNYDER ~ THII~ANDER dc M . NOES. NONE. ~BSII~TT. NONE. tTpon mation by Conncilman Phillips~seconded by CounciTm$n ~ienny and passed without dissent C..~.MeKenzie was appointe8 Pound Ke ep er, The Council authorized the State F'ire Suppreasion Crew to make necessary changes and improvements on bui2din~s at City Park Site. ~ OVER ~ 271 Arroyo Gr~.nde Calif. June 16~T943. Cf~NTINUm FRO~ PAGE 27~. Upon motion by Couneilman Menny~seconded by Council~nan 2'helander and passed w3thout dissent~it was ordered that Fire Chief Harry Hart be paid $20.00 per raonth as compensation for ~'ire Dept.dutie8 in plaee of his former compensation of $ ~.OQ per month. No f"urther business appearing and upon motion the meetin,g was ad.~ourned. , ~ ` / ~ , ~TTEST. ~i~I ~fI _ ` t'~ah. EC . 'V~11~ cr'L . ~ ~