Minutes 1943-09-01 27~ ~rroyo Grande~ Calif. , _ Sept. I ~ 1943. T'he City Council met in re~ular session with Mayor J.~.Gibson presidin~. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~Thelander and Menny reported present.Absent Councilman Phillips. '~inutes of the previous meeting and also of' the ~ Hoard of Equalization meetin~ v~ere read and approved. Communications read and ordered filed. R~oLV~ox # z23 ~ Resolution adding or~e new fund~to be known as the Ineome T~,x Fund.In this Fund are to be kept moneys accumulated by withholding Prom wages and salaries as provided by the new FederaT VVithholding Tax Law. Passed and adopted b~ the follawing vote on roll call. ~lYES.. COUNCILMEN GSBSON~SCHNYDE~~THE~ANDER AND NlENNY. NOES.. N'~NE. ~BSENT.. COt7NC2LM11N PHILLIPS. There was a considerable discussion of the ~,.iilding Permit situatyon.The Council instructed the Clerk to mail out notices to alI parties who have negleeted to take out building permits. ~4~~ Upon motion by Councilman Schnyder~seconded by y- Councilman and passed without d3ssent~approval was given V to the investing of surplus City t~ater F'unds in United States ~aVings Bonds.~mount and ~erries desi~nation to be detirmined later. Claims a~ainst the General Fund in the amount oP $ II?3.b4~the ~Vater Fund in the amount o~ ~ 697.27 and the Water Deposit Fund in the amount of $ 28.04 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. ~ No flzrther business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~Q J~ ~ 4~TTE~T. _W W. o ci e x. ~oR. •