Minutes 1944-03-15 284 ~ ~ Arro~o Czrande ~ Calif. ~ ~dar . 15, 1944. The City Council m~t in re~ular sessian with ~ayor J.i.Gibson presiding. Upon ro3.l ca11 Councilmen Phillips~The2ander and A~enny reported present.Absent Councilman 5chnyder. ~Iinutes of ~arevious rneeting read and approved. Comrnunications read and ordered f3.led. Details relating to the adoption of a Curf~w Law ~~ere discussed at consi~erable len~th without arriving at any clefinite deciszon.It was agreed to review this matter further at a later meeting. The regular annual City clean up period was set as between the flates of ~pril 3rd.and=~rpril I4th. Both dates inelusiv~. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was a~.jaurned. ATT~T . w ~ CITY CI ~IAYOR. ~rroyo Grande~ Cali~'. , ~pril 1944. The City Couneil met in regular sess~on with ~da~yar J.S.Gibson presidi . / Upon rall call Cou~ncilmen Phillips~achnyder~ Thelander and Menny renorted present.Absent nane. Communicatians read and ordered filed. Minutes of previous m~eting read and approved. Curfe~r Ordinance in use by the City of Bakersfield was read to the Council by the City :;~ttarney. ~fter discus~ion the ~ouncil requested the :~ttorney to attend a meeting of the County Board of ~pervisor~ to~°~be held on ~pril IOth. and to inform s~id 8oard of 't~~- the v~illir~ness of this City to cooperate with a satisfaetory Courity Curfeu~ Ordinance. ~ discussion of equipment ta be in use at the City Park resul.ted in the Cauncil instructing Supt. Evving to procure nece~sary tables . ~fter care~'ul review and upon mation regularly moved~seconded and unanimously passed the Couneil ordered that the followi license~ be caneelec~ namely ~o. 3727~3814i38~~3891~~95~39oI;39o5;3919~39g~i399s; 3 39966,4000; & ~I~O: ~ . ~ . ~ Claims against the General F'und in the amount of $ I032 .3~, the ~dater Fund in the amount af $ 362 3~ the Incorne T~ F~d in the amount af $ I25.40~ and the Water De~asit Fund in the amount of $ 32.00 were auditedlapproved and ordered paid. No ~'t.irther busine~s appearing and upon motion the meetin~ was adjourned. ~.TT~T. ~:~G.~4~ ' ~~,~(.wc- ~ CI C K. G~. ~:AI~OR.