Minutes 1944-04-05 28~ ~ Arroyp Grande~ Calif. ~ ~dar . 15, 1944. The City Council m~t in re~;ular session with ~ayor ~',~`.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Phi2lips~Thelander and I~enny repnrted present.Absent Counci.lman ~chnyder. Minutes of previaus meeting read and approved. Communications read and ordered f3.led. ~etails relating to the adoption of a Curfew Law ~ere di~cussed at considerable len~th without arriving at any definite decision.It was a.~reed to review this matter further at a later meeting. The regular annua~ City clean up period was set as between th~ dates of ~pril 3rd.and =~pri1 I4th. Both dates inclusive. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~.TT~T . CITY C . ~dAYfJR. ~lrroyo Grande ~ Calif . , ~pril 5, 1944, The City Couneil met in regular session with ~d~ror J.S.Gibson presiding. f Upc~n roll call Couneilmen P'hillips~~chr~,yder~ Thelander and Menny reported present.Absent nc~n~. Comrnunications read and ordered filed, ~tinutes of previous m~~eting read and approved. ~ Curfew Ordinance in use by the City of Bakersfield was read to the Council by the City .~ttorney. ~fter di~cussion the ~ouncil rec~uested the ~ttorney to attend a me2ting of the County Board of' Stxpervisor~ to°~~be held on April T4th. and to inform s~id 8oard of 't~'t~=~.'~- the willingness of this City to cooperate with a satisfactory County Curfew Ordinance, ~ discussion of equipment to be in u~e at the City Park resulted in the Council instructing Supt. Ewing to procure nece~sary tables . A.fter caref'ul reviev~ and upon mation regularly moved~seconded and unanimously passed the Council orde~ed that the followi licenses be canceled~~namely3 ~o. 37~7~38~4,38~,389,~,3~95~39oI;39o5;3919~39$5,3991, 3996F,~ooO; & ~I~Q: ~ . _ . _ Claims against tY~e General Fund in the amaunt of $ I0~2.30~the ~~tater Fund in the amnunt af $ 361.$3~ the Income Ta:x F~d in the amount of $ I25.40~ and the ~ater De~osit Fund in the amaunt of $ 32,00 were audited~approved and ordered paid. No f'urther business appearing and upan motion the meetin~ was ad~ourned. : ATTEST. _ v~ _ ~ CI C K. ~dAYOR.