Minutes 1944-04-18 28~ ;~rroyo Grande~Calif. :i~pril I$ ~ I~44. The City Council I~et at a sr~eciaT sessian ~'or the ~ur~ose of countin~ and tallyi.n~ the {~bsent Voter Bal2~ts and canvassing the returns of of the Gener~.2 Munici~a7. E1.ection held on ~r~ril IIth.Ig44. Upon ro1Z eall Counezl.r~en Phillips~~ehny~er and ~ienny reported rresent.~bsent Counei3man Thel~.nc~er anc? ~a~or G~.bson. In the absanc~ of R~ayor ~ibson anr~ ~z~on motion re~,ularly moved~ seeanc~e~ and unanir.nously passed Couneilman Phzllips ~rras ap~ointed Chairman to preside at this ~neetin~. ~ , After'a proper eount~tally and canvass as mentiflned a~ove ~ the follo~~ring resolut~on E~,~s ~?resented. ?~~~C~LUTION # I24 I~? THE COUIV'~IL OF T~T~.E CITY OF 1~'~O~Q G~?UE~ ~TAT~ OF CALI.FQRN~~ ~.T'SOLL'TI~~T DECLA~II~~G R~ULT 4F ELECTIO~?. '-~~?~'~E~~~ a General ~.iricipal E1~ction ~,~a.~ held in the City flf Arroyo Grande~on 'Tt~esday the eleventh ~?~ay o~' ;~pril Ig44 as ;~~c~uired by law and :":'~•~F~S ~.t appears ~hat notice of said e? ~etzon ~r~as duly and le~ally ~iven~that voting preca.nets ~tiere Froperl,y e~tablished~ anci e2ectian officers ~°,tere appointed and elect3on supplies ~'urnished~and that z.n aIl re~pects said election ~~Tas held ~n.d conducted and the vot~s trereat r~ceived and canvassed~and returns thereof made and c3ec2ared in tir~e form and manner as reouired by law af sixth class Cities. ~~~D ~~~iER.E~4S' the Couneil of said City met at the Council Chambers there~.t on 31~.esday t~~e 18th.day of =~~ri2 Ig44 to count~tally and canvass the°-returns of said election~and hav~.ng canvassed said re~turns~the Council finds that the nu~nber of' votes c~.st~ the names Qf ther~~rsons voted for'and other matter~ reru~red by Za~~ta ~ae as hereinafter stated~now therefore BE IT REaOLUED as f~11o~A,~s.. `.I"hat ~aid General ~czniei~~I. ~Zection ~Aa~.s held anc? con~.ucted in the city a~' Arro~=o Grande an 'Iliesday the eleventh ~.ay of .April I~44 ~in time ~form :and manner as required by law~that there ~Tas one voting precinet ~stablished for the purpos~ af holdin~ sai~. electian,con~istin~ of a consalic3atiang of the regular e2ection ~recinets established for the holr~ing of G~neral ~tate ~.nd County eleetians as fo2lows... ( Cansolidated ~'recinct A) coz~prisin~; State and County precinct Numbers onestvro and three~and the votin~; place ther~of w~s the City Hall. That the ~R~hole number af votes cast in said City was 355~ that the names of the ~ersons voted for~the offiices ~'or ~fhich they ~~rere votedithe numb~r of votes ~iven in eaeh precinctto each of saic~ persc~ns to~;ather ~rith the ti.hole number of votes ~~hie~ they rec~ived in th~ entire Czty are a.s fOllOV~rS.. name of ~ersan vot~d for Councilman~ full term~ votes Charles J.~Ienny rr ~r r' 24I H.R.Phillips re tt 227 C'harles Thelander n a~ L, ~iT. Li er ly rf rr ~76 Leo Brisco t~ rr r~ ~I~~ I City C1erk : ~Ia.e C . Ketchum ~ Edna ~,Schilling +n 12I ~'reasurer ~.o.Y~ruess 3~3 Resolved therefore~ that at said ~eneral ~unicipal Eleetian! Charles J.~enny was e declared t?leeted Counci~man of the C3ty af Arroyo Granc~e for the full term of four years. Also that H.R.Phillips v~~as deelared elected Councilman of the City of Arroya Grande for the fLi.ll term of four ye~rs. ~lso that L.Y~.Lierly was deel~red eleeted Couneilman of the City of Arroyo Grande for the full term of four years. lalso that At~e C.Ketchum v~as declared eleeted City Clerk for the full term of four years. .Also that M.O.Pruess ~r~a.s declared e3ected Trea;surer F or 2$6 ~ ~ c co~r~sNtrm ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the full term of four years. The Ci~ty Clerk shall make and deTiver to eaeh of such persons eleeted~a certificate of el~ction~si~ned by him~ and duly authenticated.. He shall ~eliver said certificates at the next re~ular Council meeting~at which time he s~all impos~the constitutional oath of affice and have them subseribe thereto~whereupon the~ shall be inductec~ into the respective offices to which they have been elected. T~the unaersigned hereby c~rtify that the f'ore~oin~ Resolutian ~~as duly and re~ularl,y intro~.uced and adopted by the Couneil of the City of ~rroyo Grande at a speei~.T meeting held April I$th.2944~ - by the follovuing vote . ~YF~ Caunc 31men P'hillip s~~chnyder and ~Ienniy. NOES . . NOATE. AB~ENT..Couneilman ~.'helander and ~Iayor Gibsan. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set ~r hand and affixed the official seal of said City~this I$th. day of ,~priT~T944. W ' "v ' ez~ c x. No further bus3ness appearing and upon motion the meeting does now adjourn. .