Minutes 1944-05-03 2$~ t~rroyo Gra~de~Galif. Pr~ay 3 ~ 1944 Gity Council met in regular session with I~ayor J.s.Gibson in the chair. . ~3pon ro21 ca11 ~Councilmen,Phillips,~~enny an~. Lierly reported present. .~bsent Gounci3man ~chnyder. Mrs.Edna M.Schilling was sworn in as ~lerk ta serve unt~l the next re~ular elec~tion. I~inut~s of previous re~ular and Special meetin~s v~rere read and. aPProved as read. There were no comnunicatioir~o be read at this meeting. Mrs.Florence Garnes at this~made a verbal repart on her audi~ ~ of the City books and agreed to have her report in full at t~.e ; close of the fiscal year. b~r. F`red ~iarsalek was present and sug~ested a new coat of ~aint ~'or the City Hall. ~ It was moved and seconded that the S~ate Fire ~ppression Crew have the use of the ~uildings at the City Park~at the same rental and w~.ter r~.tes as last year,rent being ~12.00 per month and v~ater rate b~ing $2.00 D~in. Mrs Lee Ross re~orted on contacts sh~ had r~.dein re~ard to the new curfew law. ~ Moved by Councilman Phillips ~econd by Couneilman Menrry motion carried that Mrs.I~dna M.SchiZling be appointed assistant water superi~tendent at a salary of $125.OQ per month comm~ncir~g ~o~- ~ay 1,1g44. Claims against the General Fund in t~e amount of $13~~.4~~the ' a`Jater Fund in the amount of ~ 684.40 ~ t~e t~Jater Deposit ~'und in the amount of $ 24.C7~ were audited?appraved and ordered paid. I~To further business appearin~ and ~pon motion the meeting . was adjourned. ~ ~ ~ttest:~:_...~ _ Gity Clerk. ' Nlayor 1 ~ ~ i