Minutes 1944-07-19 ~92 ~ ~ ~ nrroyo Grande,Calif. ~ July 39~1g44. The City Council met 3n re~ular session with Mayor ~.S.Gibson presidin.g. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~ >chnyder,3ulenny and Lierly reported"~resent. - h~inutes of the previnus meeting were read and approved as read. Communication read and placed on file. The City Auditor I~rs.Florence C.arnes presented the annual audit and theCounei2 decidec~ to give it further znspection before ~.?~prova3 and acceptance. ~ere was ~ len~;thy e~iscuasion about a se~v?r system for the ti"Testern Addition and it was suggested' ~~at Nlayor ~ibson contact ~~r.3en Conrad to see ~~bout a survey to be m~de to get the neccessary fi~ures for the amount of l~bor ~nd materials to be used so that if it w~.s decided to do tre job it c~rould be easily figured. Street Su;~erintendent Ewing was instructed to have t'ne trash cleaned off the streets and tell the people not to ~~.ace any more on the streets . Counci7man Lierly brou~-ht ua the subject of a fiPteen mint~te ~arking in front of the Post Office as heretofore cars were par~ked for a long period and ~~~r~ne desiring to park to get r<~ail could not find a place. ~.~rir.Ewing was instrmcted to have the curb painted green the width of one car on each side of the crosswalk: Supt. E~vir~g asked about vacations and he v~as told to arrange bet~veen the men to take their vacations when it was convenient and also ~he vacation time might be allowed to accumul~.teif one didnt wish to take it this year. City ~ttorney ~..F.Harris brou~ht u~ thema.tter of Veteran ~empti ons f or the veteran~ of Y`lorld r~ar No .2 and suggested that in~.smuch ~,s some places were giving them ~nd the law ~~-ould undoubtdely ?~Q nessed thi~ fall the Council take action in favor of g%vi.ng the exem~tion. ni~otion by Counci.lman Schnyder~~econd by Comnci~.n."'P'hillips motion carried that veterans of !"lorld t"1ar No. 2 be ~r~:nted exemptian. `I'he Council asked how many veterans were now filing exemptions and the clerk read the n~mes of those vetera~.s claiming exemptians for the current year .'1'~~~ere v~as some ~iscussion ~s to whether sor~e of t=~em were eli~ible as they nrobably hac? more th~n five thousand do~lars v~luation. I~To further business ~~pearing and upon motion the m meeting ~Aras ar~journecl. ~ tt e ~ t ?~'l~° ~.~~~.f'a ~ - City t'lerk. ~ ~ hR or. ~ y r