Minutes 1944-10-04 295 ~rroyo Grande?Calif. ~etvber 4~19~4. The City Council met in re~ular se~sion with ~~~ayor J.~.Gibson presidin~. UFon roll call Cauncilmen ~chnyder and P~enn~ reported present. Absent Councilmen ~'hillips and Lierly. The minutes of the previous meeting ~ere read and approved as read. Ch~ef' of Police C.A.~;cKenzie said he was in need of a tire on the police car and R.'~.Ewing was instrueted to purcha~e one for th, car. There was a len~~thy discussion on a set back ordinance and ~ttorney i~arris e~l.ained the complicati~nd of a zonir~g ordinanee. He su~gested that he might be able to contact someone to meet with the cnuneil and explain it r~ore fully. Claims against the Genera2 Funci for $870.61~ the ~ater ~'unci for $ 377.97 ~ the ~d~ter Deposit Fund for $ 24.4~ and the Inttome Tax Fund for $ 202.80 v~ere audited ~approved and ordered paid. I~'o furth~r ~usiness appearing and u~om mota.vn the meeting was adjourned. i ~ ;~ttest: ` - i~ 1~rk , _ ~~ayor . ` Arroyo Gr~nde'CAlif. Octt~ber 18 ~ 1944 T'he~~it~ ~auncil met in regular session with ~ayar ~'.~.Gibson ~ presiding. Upon roll call Couneilmen Phillips,~ehnyderand Lierly reported present. Councilman ~~~nn~r arr-iving a Iittl~ later. The Minutes of the previous meeting ~rere read and approved as read. Communications were read a~.d placed on file. Police ehief C.~.~i~Kenzie repnrted on the chan,~ing of' the Fiiw~y through town and the Clerk was ins~rueted to drav~ up a resc~It~.tion ta abandon the H3~a.y thru town and reroute it over I~ason and Nelsan ~treet. ~ motion b~r Councilman Schnyder~seconded by ~ouneilman Lierly to eonf.ribute FiPteen doliars per month to~rards the crossin.g gv.ard for the grammar school. '~he matter of ano~I~er pump an the f ire truek was brotxgh~ ~zp and after ~o~e diseussion a motion was made by ~ouncilman Schn~rder seconded by Couneilman Lierly,mc~tion car~fed to purchase a pump. ~'he matter of tra~'fie violations on the ~igh Sc~ool hill ~ras brought un and the Chief of Poliee v~aas i~stru~ted to isstze ~tickets to those not obeying the law. No fi.~rther ~usiness appearing and upon motion yhe meetir~; was adjourned. ~ ( , . Att.eS'k.:/,/1~.~sS~~~a~~, ~ City ~lerk ayor. ~ ; i i i ~ ! i ~I' i ~