Minutes 1944-12-20 , lrJV ~ ~ .~rrayo Grande ~ C~.lif . ~ December 20~1944. The Gity Counc3il met in regular session with Mayor ~.S.Gibson presiding. G'pon roll c~ 11 ~~nne i lmen Phi llips ~ Schnyder,~enr~Sr and Li erly rer~orted present. T'he minutes of the previous meeting ~rere read ~nd approved as read. Communieations were read and placed on file . ~ notice fram the Langendorf Bakery Company saying they had discontinued their truck route in the City in August we~s rec- eived and up~n a motion by Couneilman Phillips,seconded b ~ouncilman Sehnyder motion ~arried to cancel lieense #~6~6. T~e matter of parallel parkin.~ o~i the main street v~as dis- eussed and also a time limit on -~~rkir~ and after talking it ~ over it vvas agreed to wait until f~~ther di~cussion. No fl~zrther business appearing and upon rnQtian the ~aeeting was adjourned. , . ~ttest: /'~Js,e. ~1/I. ~S~'d City Clerk ayor ~rroyo Grande,Calif. ~anuarY 3i1~45• , The City Couneil met in re~ul~.r sPssion ~rith ~~ayor J.S.Gibson , nresiding. T?non roll eall ~ouncilmen Philli~a~~Sehnyder~~yGenriy and Lierly reported present. The minutes of the ~revious meetin~ were read and approved as read. The eommunicatione wer~ read and placed on file. _ The licensing of pinb~ll maehines and card t~bles was d~.s- cussed and the ~.ttorne,y vras asked to look into the way it was being handled in the other cities around. • ~.r Fwin~ reported on receiving bids for ~asoline for the coming year .:~.nd it w~.s deeided to use g~as from the Union Oil ~o. Claims a~ainst the General F'und for $$65.5~~the !~'ater Fund ~ for $6'71.62~the :rater~Deposit Fund for ~20.(`O~th~ ~treet Assess- ment ~'und for$44.Q0 and the I~come Tax rund for ~ 238.60~were audited~approved and ordered paid. There was sorne discussion on retirement fund for the City employees ~nd Attorney Harris was asked to get some infor~a.tion on the sub,~ect. I~?o further business appea.rin~; anc~ upon rnotion the meeting was • ad~ourned. ~ , _ ~ ' ~ttest: . City Clerk a ' - l~ayor , ~