Minutes 1945-02-07 2'~~ Arro~o Grande9Galif`ornia. January 1`~~1945. The Cit,y Cc~uncil met in re~zlar session with l~Iayar J.S.Gibson presidi~g. Ux~o~ roll call Cou~cilmen ~~2enny and Lierly reported present. :4bsen~~Councilmen Phillips and Schnyder. The minutes of the previous meetin~ were reac~ and appro~red as read. ~~roup of inen appEared before the Couneil to explain about the dances being conducted in the ~Iasonic Nall on Saturday nights and af'ter the explanation ~he Couneil ag~°eed there would be no Iicense fee if it was conducted as a club and adm~assion fee char~ed. The buildin~ of a log cabin at the Eity Park by the Boy Scouts was discussed but no definite action taken. ~:~r.Robert Rountree appeared and asked i~es~r~ission to erect tvao storage tanks for ~;asoline on the ~roperty ~rhere the service station is. City .~ttorney H~,rris was ask~ci to look the m~tter up and contaet P~r ~~ineau and if it was alri~ht ~~~ir Rgineau ~uould notify t~ir Rountree. ~~r Ewing br~u~ht up the laying of a ne~r ~rater line to the Kaar property as tI~re was another service to be connected and the line now in use was too sm~:ll. '~?o further business a~pearing; and tnpon motion the meetin~ w~.s 3djourned. ~ttest: ~ i~ty~ erk o ~rroyca Grande~California re~ruary 7,z94~ The City Couneil met in regular session and ~~as c~lled to order by th~ City r~lerk. tJpon ro11 call Councilmen Phillips~Schn,yder,~enny an Lierly reported present,~bsent ~~a,yor ~ibson. ~~otion re~ularl~ e~:rried Councilman chnyder appointed act- in~ ~~~ayor . . ~he minutes of the previous meetir~ ~rere read and a~proved as read . Comrnunieations wev°e read ~nd ~laeed on file. ~ Councilman Lierly ~as a:~pointed ta attPnd the r~e~tin~ of the S~n~:~e Committee on Post ~~ar Construction ~o be held in San Luis Obispo on February ~3,1945 ~nd represent the Ci~y ~ouneil. r~Yater Supt. Fwing v~aas instructed to lay twa inch water line~ from Leedham La.ne to tr~e ~a.ar nroperty and also can Cros~ S~treet from Le Point St. to the C.E.Laomis pro~ert,y. Harry Hart asked about sellin~ the bunk beds that were in the Fire '~ouse as they ~~=ere not needed and ax~ere in the way,?~e was t~ld to see what he could ~et for them and ~roeeed to sell them to the best advantage. C~uncilman Lierly said th~t ane of the ~3oy S~cout Troops , would like ta use the buildin~ at the eity ~rk'~or meetin~ I place and ~i.e vv3s asked to look into the matter fur.ther as to who ~ was to be responsible fQr the use of it. The Clerk was instructed to write the State ~nplo,yee~ Retire- i ment System a.s to the cos~ of an aet~arial survey on the Czty ~nnloyees. I It was a~,reed that Ci.ty ~ttorney ?~.F.Harris'.~~~.r~~ do~vn an ordinance on licensing eard ~-ames at t'ze next meetin~. i~"otion t~,yCouncilm~n Lierly~seconded by Councilman Philli~s ' motion carried to caneel lieense 4~09 for ~ensley and `~ailliams Dance as there was no a~.mis~zon char~ed and the dance was con- ' ~ ducted as a elub,therefore no license was needed. Claimy a~ainst the Creneral i^und for ~717.2~~the i~ater Fund for ~ 956.10,and the `~ater Deposit runcl for~_~27.87 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. ~;o further business a~pearin~ and npon motion the meetin~ was ad~ourned. i ~ttest,:~. ~ ~ Gity Clerk ~ 1~~ ~r ~ ~ _