Minutes 1945-02-21 ~00 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande~C~lif. ~'ebruary 21,1~45 The City Couneil met in regular session ~ith I~ayor J.S.Gibson presiding~ Upon roll call Louncilmen Phillips~ iehnyder~~fenny and ~Lierly ~ reported Present. Absent none. The minutes ~bf the previous meeting sere read and approved as read. : Comtnunieations were read and pl~ced on file. ~irs Schussman and Ivtrs Varian appeared on behalf of the ~irl Scouts to see if they might use the building at th~~ City park for a meetin~' place. Iater ~ir Dana arrived~: and after talking the matter over it was deeided to let the ~irl Scouts use the the building as the ~orestry would not be u~ing it for several rnonths and some plan mi~ht be worked out where they could both be up there later on. After some diseussion 4rdina~ce # 80,to license card tables, ~as read for the fiEst time.' Zt was deeided to have l~arch 12 to 17 for a clea~.up week. '~ro further business appearin~ anci upon m4tion the meeting v~a s~ ad j ourned . .~ttest:~~~ • ~ ~ ' Cit C erg or Y Y , Arroyo Grande,Calif. R~Iarch 7,1945 The Gity Council met in regular se~sion ~ith.Mayor J.S.Gibsoa pre~iding. Lzpon roll call Councilmen Phillips,Schnyder,~enny and L~erly reported preser~t. ~he min~te~ of` the previous meeting were re~.d and ~~'ter some question v~ere ~pproved as read. ~ommunications ~ere read aru~ plaeed on file. ~Ir Guy W.Palmer appeared on behalf oP the Boy ~couts with plans for a building to be built at the City Park,after a len~h~:4dis- cussion a motion was~made by eouncilman Phillips,seeonded by ~ouncilman ~chnyder,motion carried ta let the Boy Seout ~ommi~~ee use th~ lumber from th~ building that had been tore dovvn to ereet a buildir~~ 20 ft;3in ;by 60 ft;to be used by the noy:~Scouts and G~rl Scouts.3'he site to be agreed on later.I~r Ewing was asked to contact ~~r Buster Loarnis to see if the insurance would eover the worl~ . . A~r George He3~drix a~peared about the license f ee to be chargec~ on caPCl tables ~.nd thought $~0~.0~ per table was too high as the County onZy char~ed ~50.00 per table. `~'he matter ~as talked over and a motion v~as made by Councilm~n Lierly,seconded by Couneilrr~an ~tenn;~ to amend C7rd.#$0 and ehange the amount tQ be charged from $I0~.4a ~o ~75.~0 per table~motion c~rri.ed. `I`he title of E)rd.# 80 was, read and after the readin~,upen motion of Councilman Phillips~seconded by Councilr~an Sehnyder and upon unanimous approval of the Board it wa~ a:~reed to waive the reading of the remainder until next meeting. Claims against the General Fund for $$23.34,the ~ater Ftind for $621.73 and the ~,~ate~ Pteposit F'u~d for ~ 12.~4 were Aq,d~ted~ Appro~ed and ordered paid. No further business appearing and u~on motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ ttest: ~ . ~'1'~• ~ ' City Cler.k. B~a