Minutes 1945-03-21 ~oi Arro~o Grande~C~.lif~rnia March 21~1945 The City `'ouncil met in regular session and was= called to order by the City Cler k. IIpon roll call Couneilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Menn,y and Lierly reparted present. l~:motion made by Councilman P~hillip8~ seconded by Councilma.n Schnyder, mo~ion carried to have Councilman A~enny aet as Mayor. The mi~utes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Communic~tions were read and ~laced or_ file. Resolution # 127 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRO~~ GR~NDE IN RF~GARD; T4 THE ~iC~UISIZ'I4N OF BF.~4CHES. ~ Pa.ssed and adopted by the ~ollowing vo~e on roll calls AYES : Councilmen Phillips ~~chnyder~ Menny and Li~rly. NOES : I~'~one . ~BSENT : M~yor Gibson. There was further discussion in rega~ to a site for a new City Hall and a Motion ~y Councilman Phillips~seconded by Council- man Schr~yder to have Councilman Lierly contaet the County Officials and see wha.t could be arranged about having the City ~Ia.ll and County Buildin,~s eom~b3~~ci. mo~#.or~ by Councilman Lierl~r~ seconded by ~ouncilm~n Schnyder to cancel the February water bill of $ 2.Oa for Mrs Sawtelle. C.A.~Ic Kenzie repoEted that the 4liver Ro~ms now oecupied by Mr T.H.Jameson were not b~ing rented and upon motion by Couneil- man Phillps~seconded by Councilman Sehnyder it was agreed to cancel Licenses Nos. 4600~4697 and 4792. ' Ordinance # 80 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT'Y COURTCIL OF TH~' CITY OF` ARROYO GRAN'DE FOR LIC~ZNG AND REGtTIATING THE BU~IN'E~SS OF C4NDUCTING ~R OPE~ ~TING CARD GA~IE,S OR CARD TABLE~.S ~#ND PRC~VIDIIt?G PEN~LTIES FOR TH~ VIOLATI01~ THEft~F. ~ The Ordinanc e. was read by the Clerk, and upon ~oti on which was e;4 ~ seconded and carried,~vas adapted by the following vote: ~ AYES: Cnuncilmen Pfiillips~Sc~nyder~Menny and Lierly. NOES: None. ~.BSE~TT :M.t~YOR Gibson. Councilman Schnyder reported on meeting with some of the re~resentatives of the Boy Seout Committee about the building to be erected on the City Park and repor~,ed that the building was to be built as first planned. The matter of planting trees or shrubs at the City Park was brought up and Attorney Harris said he ~ou3.d try and contact ; someone~to landscape the park so the planting would be done to some ' sort of plan. There was fu~ther discussion abou~ people starting to build without f~rst applying for a permit and Attorney Harris was asked ' to write several who had not ma.de an application. - i Councilman Lierly repor~ed that someone had spoken to him ' in regard to the storage tanks being erected by Mr Rountree, As the 1~ttorney had looked into t,he matter of fire hazards and i ~ th~ere being nothing in the Building Code and no Zoning Ordinance for the City there was nothin~ the Council could do. No further business appearing and upon motiohthe meeting was adjourned. Attest ~ , Clty-~ ay . ~ '