Minutes 1945-04-18 ~o~ Arroyo ~rande~California ~ April 4~ 1945 ~ ~ Tfie City ~ouncil met in regular session a.nd was called to order by the City ~lerk. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~ SChnyder~ Menny and Lierly reported present. ~bse~it Mayor Gibso . A motion by-Councilman Phillips,seconded~Councilman ~chnyder~~ motion c~.rried to have Councilman ~tenny act as Mayar. The minutes of the previous meeting were read-and appraved as read. The gommunications were read ~md placed on file. , R~r Buster Loomis appeared beFore the Council to explain the- Insurance Policies wb~' h the City was carrying. Councilman Lier""~'yh "~h~t the County Officials were willing to go in with the City Zn the building of' their offices with the new City Hall. 5ame rough plans had been ma.de and they-thought the building suggested could be built for about $ b.0~ a square foot or around $ 30~000.00 . The matter was to ~e looked into more thoroughly ~.s v~~as a site for the building. lUir J.O.Mineau reported that his other business had grown so heavy he had f~und he could not continue with the work in the City but said he would conti~nue to help out in a pinch. Claims against the General Fund for $ 1 52.89,the ~ater Fund for $ 4g~.05~the Wa:~er Deposi.t Fund for $ 1~.00 and the Ineome Tax Fund for $ 267.3~ were audited ~ approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was ad j ourned. Attest:/~~:=~'~ ,~~..y ~ ~I City Clerk ~ f ; ~Iayor ~Arroyo Grande,California April 18~1945 The City Council met in regular session and was called to order by the Clerk. - Ugon roll call Councilmen Phallips~Sehnyder~ ~enny and Lierly repQrted pres~nt. ~ibsent MayQr Gibson. A motion 3~d~°:~by Councilman Phillips,seconded by ~auncil- man Lierly ,motion carried to have Council~an ~chnyder ac~ as ~ Nlayor. ~ The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The_communications were read and placed on file. Mr hixon from out in the Western Addtn neighborhood appear- ed befor~ the Council to see if it would be possible to get water out on his place and after some discussion ~tr Ewing was instructed to find out how much pipe it would take and also get . prices on pipe. ~s ~a.lter Edmands appeared and asked if something eould be done towards getting a light on the corner by his place as it is quite a d~ngerous corner. Mr Ewing was instrueted to contact the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to see if a light could be put in there. ~lrg T`.~.Robison came beforei+~the Council to see if the pipe- line being laid to the Kaar place could be extended so that he could have w?ater~~to the house he is building. Mr Ewing was asked to see how far it would be. The Council agreed that anyone wishing to take out a license on acard table should first make application to the ~ouncil. J.O.~Iineau said that some of th~ ~n~3.dir~ Permits b~ing asl~ ed for were too low, the Attorney explained hor~ it was handlee~ in other places and the ~ouncil agreed that from th~n on it should be done as the Ord. called for.Pl~ns would be subm3tt~ed and approved by the Inspector and the Council pass on them at the following meeting. The Clerk brought up the matter of Personal Property valu~:t- ions being turned in too Io~r and the Council ordered the Clerk to assess them as riearly righ~ as possible. No further business appearing and upon motion the~eeting was ad j ourned. ` ~ Attest:/~~~~~ _ ~ City ~lerk ~ yor