Minutes 1945-07-18 308 ~ ~ qrroyo `~rande ; California July 18 ~ 1945 - The City Council met in re~ular session with ~~ayor J.S. Gibsom presiding. U~on roll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Menny and Lierly reported present. Minutes of the previous meeting ~ere rea~_ and arproved as read. Communications were read and pla ced on file. ~ Henry Agueda appeared and asked to build a small building for storage and also to~put in a partition in the building where Mr Bell is living but as he had no plans he was instruct- ed to get some plans ready and see J.O.Mineauy building inspect- or before the next mee~ing. After looking over the applications for building permits a ` motion was made by Councilman Lierly ,seconded by C~uncilman , Phillips to grant the following permits,P.D.~uinby~gara~e to cost ~ 200~W.T.Vithitlock~ add a gara~e and workshop ~ 150~ Harold • Howard macadamize driveway $40~Denison and Hopkins remodel stare front ~ 250~Dan Shafer add to porchand put in sidewalk ~129~50, ~'Y'.W.Whitfieldadd a bathroom $ 509Winnetta R~~~Laughlin install Plumbing $ 60a~Gai1 Covert Wilkins concrete driveway and foundation ' $ 20~~T1lsworth Zeyen plasterbo~rd on kitchen ceiling $25~Fra~ Bosch erect double gara~ with laundry and storage rooms~lOQO to 1200~and the High S~hool to replaster a room $ 225.The application 0f Rev.L.M.Vaughn to remodel rear of Chureh buildirig was held up. Street Supt. Ewir~g was instructed to oil the portions of Poole St. and ti'Vhiteley which were needing it. Fra~k Bosch inquired as to what ha.d been planned for the Boy Scout Puilding at the park ar_d said they now planned to proceed I with the building and asked if one of the Councilmen could be appointed as Administrator. P~~ayor Gibsaffi appointed Councilman I, Chas .lv~enfly . I J.O.Mineau resigned~.~~.s building inspector as it was taking ~ up too much time fvr what he ~ot out of the fees.He was asked to co~ntinue for thirty days and said he would do so. There was further discussia~ as to a site for the City Hall f and IIouncilman Lierly was asked to see Louis Fernamburg_in regard to some so~t of a deal and Mayar Gibson was to see about another location before the next meeting. • No further business appearing and upor~ motion the meeting was ad~'ourned. , Attest p.~ ~ ` ~ity Clerk M or