Minutes 1945-10-03 31 Arroyo Grande~California October 3~1945 The ~ity Council met in regular session with ~;Rayor J.S. Gibson presiding. TJpon roll call Gouncilmen Phil1ips,Schnyder~I~Renny and Lierly reported present. The minutes of the previou~ ~nee~ing vrere read and approved as read. Cor~muni~ations were read and placed on file. ~ motion was made by Councilman Phillips~seconded by Councilman ~ehnyder to discontinue the pa~ment for vrater from the General Fund~the motion was carried. 1~2rs ~~Surrell ax~peared on behalf of the F. T.A . to report on a meeting she had with tv~r polliver of the ~tate Hi~hway in regard to a blinker light for the school erossing.She reported that ~,Rr polliver sent vaorc~ to P.~`ayar Gibson and the City Council that he had deeided it would be better if a blinker light were installed there and he sent dow~ a form to b~ sent in to the State Highway asking their rermission to inst,all a blinker ligh~. P1tr pollzver said it would cost around ~I~0.00 installed and c^st about 4 or ~ dollars amonth ~o operate. Councilman Lierly made a motion,seeonded by Counc~lman Phillips to as,k permission of t~e State uighway ta instal~ a blinker Iight~ motion carr~.ed. ~~r Bishops bid on the A~.~ compressor was accepted,the amount being 35 dollars and Harry Hart v~a.s told to notify Mr Bishop. ~ayor ~ibson was asked to contact l~~r Ben Corrrad about having a m~eting for a report on the Post ~dar Prajects. George Barnes was present and after a discussion on the building inspeetor proposition he agreed to take it for the fees.Coun~ilman S~hnyder made a motion, seconded by Coun~ilman Lierly to appoint George B~rnes for Bt~mlding Inspector..~ /~~.:f ~~r:~° C.A.R~eKenzie reported some organization was intending to~," ' have a dance thru the week but ~s they had no application on file f'or a license the Council agreed no license would be c gran~~cl. Mayor Gibson spoke of the cars being parked on the ~tighway in fror~t of the High S~hool during games and C.A.Mc~enzie was instructed to place signs up ther~e for 1~0 P,ARKING by order of the City Cou~2ci1. motion was made by Councilman Phillips~seconded by ~our~cilman ~chnyder to cancel Li~ense # 5132 ta Hope Glaubit~ as she had__discontinued giving dancing lessons. Harry ~iart,Fire Chief' was asked to speak to I~~r Yates in regard to pieking up rubbish as it was ~etting to be a fire hazard. qmmotion was made by Councilman S~hnyder,seconded by Councilman Phillips to grant the following building permits~ Don Shaffer to remodel o~'fice and luberack 950.~O,Robert ~ountree to put cement platform175.O~~~dna M.Schilling to remodel side porch and put cement floor in same 250.00 and George Ba.rnes to build a smal~ house 2000.00. ' B133s against the General Fund for ~ 2.164.65,the Water Fund ! for 4R6.19~the ~.~at~r Deposit Fund for 28.0~ and the Income Tax 'I Fund for 242.40 were audited,approved and ordered paid. I No further business a~pearing and upon motion the meeting ~ was adjourned. ; Attests /~,s • ~ .s C i ty C ler 14 ay r