Minutes 1946-02-06 320 ~ ~rroyo Grande~CalifoEnia m ~anuary 23,1946 ~ ~ The City Council met in special session with R~Zayor J.S.Gibson presid- ing. ~hec~_pn~~~s~r 'this meeting was to discuss a new License Ordinanee and al1 Councilmen were present. City Attorney Harris also was present. After discussin~ the different classificat~ons the Attorney agreed to have it written up and five copies m~iled to the Couneilmen to be looked over before the next meeting so it could be read at that time if it trYas found to be satisfactory~ No further business appearing and unon motion the meeting was adjourned. , Attest: ~1~/~?C~i?~~.,;~ City C1Prk ~ yor !~rroyo t~rande, Califarni~ February 6, 194b The City Council met in.regular session with Ntayor J.~.Gibson presidimg. Unon roll call Councilmen Phillips~ schriyder~ ~enny and Lie'rly reported present. ~ ~ The minutes of the previous meeting were re~.d anc~ an~roved as read. The eommunicatians were read and placed on file. Harry Hart~Fire Chief asked about paying Ear2 Seel~y gor the work he had done on the fire truek and he was told to fi~ure up the time and present a~aill. Councilman Schnyder reported he had been present when the new pump vra.s testeed at the well and repcrrted it had tested34~ gallons of water per minute. Bids for the ~s for the coming year r~ere receatved a~ the bid of the Rountree Oil Company for Ethyl gas at 14~ cents per,gal. v~as aecepted upon a motion made by Counci]man Schnyd~r~seconded . b~C Couneilman Lieriy~the motion carried. C7rdinance # 81 was discussed and the Title was read and upon motion by Councilman PhiZiip~~seco~ide~3 by CounciU~na.n Schnyder it w~s agreed to dispense with the readi~ of the balance of the Ord. The clerk reported tha.t ~lir polliver of the State xighway Dept. . had been in and r~ported the permit for.rthe blinker light had been gr~nted. Couneilman Sehnyder made a motion~seeonded by Councilman Li.erly to have the cl~rk order the blinker li~ht. Building permits were di~cussed amd Coun~zlman Lier~y made a motion,secdnded by Councilman Phillips to grant the followin~ ermits: Charles Bell to build a quonset buildin,g for a ga~age ~ 1604~C.Nhiteside to make a1~Gerations on building a~t High School $ 40~Davis Garage make alterations ~ 250~G.De Leo~ pu~ ad8ftion to buildin~ ~ 1000~K.~.Rooker put up neon ~ig~n $ 1~0~C~g ~.Palmer to build Busine~s building $ 13~Ot~ and the High Sehc>ol to build a quonset bui2ding for a ga.rage. ~ Bills for the General Fund for $ 75~.~4,t~e Wa~Ger Fund for $~,2$1.81 and the water Deposit Fund far 24.O~J w e audited~a approved and ordered paid. ; y, . ^ '~~tt~s t s ~ ~ ~ G,%~"it er ~ , ~ y ,o. ~ ~ Y Yl~~rr- ~ ~'j,~, ~j-~''Q.'~,..Q-~-o , ~ ' ~ ~J ~1 ~ ~ t~-~vvo .~r~~~9~t1`?''~"-~-~( • . (