Minutes 1946-02-26 ~22 ~ conti~~:ted. CrJ I~surance poli~ies nesdfng t~o be renewed were diseus~~d and ~ ordered renewed with E~C.Lovmfs and Son. 'I'aro buiI,ding permits were ~rarited~ one ta Ch~:s. Smith to build a garage and add two porche~ to his house ~for $ 841~}.00 ant~ ~'.0. Grimes to build a double garage and wash room for $ l0aa« ad~ourneher business appe~rin,~ and upon motion the meeting wa~ I J • , ~ ^ ` ' Attests ty C er ~ ~ or Arrayo Grande~Californiat February 26,19~6 ~ . The City Council met in special session with May~or J.S.Gibson . presiding. Pres~ent v~ere Counc33.men Phillip~~Sehnyder and Menny'. .Ab~e~t Counailman Lierly. This meeting was for the purpose of diseussi~ the classification of the new License Ordinance. At the new License rate i~~as repor~ed the added~revenue to the City ~ou~d be somet~ing over $ 20Q per quarter. No f'uz~ther business appeari~g and upon motion the meeting wa~s ~d~ ou~n~ed. At~teet~ ~ ~ lK--' ` , ' ity er ~ ~or , . .