Minutes 1946-03-20 ~24 ~ Arroyo Grande Ca~ifornia ~ ~arc~. 2t3,194~i ~ The City Council met in regular session:and was called t~ order by the elerk. Upan roll call Counc3.lmen l'hillips'Sehrr~~yyder ancl Lierly reported present. Absent Mayor Gibson anc~ Cour~ilman Mennyr. l~ mo~io~ was made by Couneil.man Schnyder~see~onded by Cot~ncilman P'hillips that Councilman Lierly ac~ as Mayor. The minutes of the previoc~s meeting were read and apprvqed as read. The communications w~re re$d and placed on f~le. The matter of hav~aang the Right ~atchman deputized as a police oPPicer ~ras diseus~a~l and Co~zncil.m~:n Schnyder made a motionlwhi~h was seconded by Councilmar~ Phill~?ps to have Chief of Poliee C.~.MctKenzie dep~tiz~ R.L.Lambeth as a City police ofgic er. The question of what was to be done about night pa~rking of cars on the streets was t~ia~tt~~ed<~~nd the Coun~il inst,rraet~c~ the af~icers to enforee the 4rdi~.nce agains~ parking bet~?eea~ 1 ~1.1~. €~nd ~ K.~. C.~.MeKenzie brou~ht up the matter oP moving the 25 mile sign on ~est Branch o~t pa~t ~esley Ave;and the Council ordered the sign moved. 7.'he alley in back crf Bra~h Street was diacu~sed and it ~as reported tb~tyXsever~l of the owners of property•were not in favor having an al~ey so ll~r ~ring a~s instructed to see if they wotzl.d a12o~r fi.he City to lay a water line down throagh there. Z'he License 4rd~na.nce ~ras discussed and classifications~ a~nd the Council agreed to amend Sec.52 of Urd.#~81 to Pe~d $ 10.04 instead of $ 12.5~ and also tv add a See. Por Hom~ ~lpplia~nc es f or ~~.0~ per quarter . ~r L,~mbeth asked abaut a night off and also wanted the ~ouneil to set an amoun~ on the ga~soline to be used.as they ` ' ~rished to usef~thei~ car some on the outside. TIZe Couneil . agreed some way~~auld be arran,ged so he cou2d~~have a ni~ht off and they told him to ~ee ~bout ~io~r mueh gas he would need over a period of a week, ~r Ea~iing asked about havin~g the Chevrolet Pickup painted and said he had figures of $ 65.0~ to $ 7~.0~ for the job and ~ was told to have the work done. ~.'he ~a.tter of placing a bid on the street ~aveeger to be sold by the State was dise~~sed and the Cousscil decided to check on n~ equipment and $ bid could be put in if new - equipment was not available. Ea~ing also brought up the matter oP ehildren playing around the City dump as to whether the City was liable in ca~se some one got hurt and the Clerk was ine~ructed to call the City Attorney and cheek with him about the matter. Fire Chie~' Harry ~3ar~ was asked about checkirag on the f3re ha$ards •around tor~n and was told to check all ;he places where the public gathers and in the rear of places of busin~ss as to proper exits etc. ~ T~ro biulding permits were grantedone to Deril W~iters to remodel the ~ront on I,~onore Smith Dress Shop and to cost $ 1000.0a and to George ~kers to build a garage and wa~h hoe~se to cost $ 604. - No further btisiness appearing and upo~ motion the meetfng ~~s adjourned. Attest: ^ ~ .~s~ ~ . r ~~~~a~~ Y r Gi~ ~