Minutes 1946-04-03 325 ~rroyo Grande~CaliPornia ~ ~pril 3~1946 '~`he City Council met in regular session and was called to order by the Clerk. Upan roll eall Couneilmen Phillips~Schnyder~~enny and Lierly reported resen~.Absent Mayor Gibson. Upon ~otion by Counei].man ~chr~yder,seconded by ~ouncilman PFtillips it was unanimous]tiy agreed that Councilman enny act as ~Ii8~0E . The miuutes o~ the previous meeting were rea.d and app~~ved ag read. Communicatio~s were read and }~laced on file. Bil2s against the General Fund for $ q51.9~~ the Water Fur~el for $ 889.63: the Water D~posit Fund for $ 8.0~ and the ~ncome ~ax Fund for $ 14~.60 were audited~apprd~ved and ordered pa.id. B6r~ ~nnie Oliver app~ec3 and asked if she might remove several artieles which belor~ged to her from the house ~Ir Jameson has been renting from the City.The Council agreedc~to her removing them when ARr Jameson vacated and bef~bre the house was re~ted again. R~r B. E. E~ir~ asked about ~ orderin,~ 30 more water meters and the Cou~il tald him to order the meters. He then asked about putting a new roo~ on the house at the wglls as it was startirrg ~o leak very badlyand the the Couneil told ~.im to proceed with a new rooP. Mr C.E.Boswell asked about v~rater to his property in Fair Oaks a~id was told that it ~a.s impossible to get pipa fc~r the job at this time. M~c.T.A.Robison asked about water to his house on the hiwa~r aga.in and he ~s to ask the new owner of the Kaar property about a Right oP ~lay. Mr pon Shaffer asked the Council to cancel the Section for ~leetrical Appliances on his license until such time as he co~ld obtain applianees. Mr ~tatker aga~.n asked the Council about taking care of the water in front of his store and there vvas quite a di$cussion a about res~zr~acing Branch Street~ Mr Harry ?3art a~ain brought up the drai~age trouble over ~ the fill between his property and Mineau :~Rnd Loo~is propert~r. Also the old resevoir on the hill was deelared to be a nuisance as child.Een were playing in and around and tearing off parts of it. IVfrr Hart also said after a study on the fire hazards he thought it would be necessary Por the building inspector ~o ~ classify the buildings. ' The sewer for the Western ~dd'n was discussed and l~r Tiar~~s the ~ttorney was to be asked about preparing petitioms to be circulated by the people. Also it ~ras decided to ask ~ir Harris about taking a new census~ On motion of Councilman P~3illips~seeonded by Councilman Lierly,motion carried~ the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday April I0.194b at 8P.~d. for the purpose oP meeti~g wi ~e City Attorney l~r Harris f~br discussion on sever 1 subj ts. • Attest: - I',, CtyCerk aor Y I . ~