Minutes 1946-05-01 ~30 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande CaliPornia ~ ~ay l,lg4g ~e City ~ouncil met in regular session with Ma~or A.R.i°~ presidir~g. _ Upon roll eall Couneilmen Schnyder , i~enr~y~ ~,ierly and Rountree reported present. The minute~ of the previous meeting ~vere read and approv~d as read. 2'he com~nications qere r~ad and placed on file. ln reply to a request ~'rom the ~tate Divisian o~ r~orestry for the rentir~ of the building at the City Park~a motion was made by ~ouneilman Schnyder~second~d ~y ~ouncilman Lierly ta rent the building for $ 12.00 and~the ~ar.ter at $2.40 per month as had been eharged before! the motion carried. In reply to request from ~rs Peggy ~livas for aonducting dances at the I.D,E.S. Hall~a motion was made by CouneiLna.n Rountree~seconded by Councilman Lierly to deny the rec~uest as it ~as not in the best interest of Public xealth and ~a.fety. ~i petttion for water lines to the ~a.st end of town was discussed and a motion made by Councilman Rountree~ seconded by Councilma.n Lierly to have the water Supt. and-City ~gineer check on the dista~ce and report at the next mee~ing also the di~tance ~a Mr Pierces proper~y. Couneilman Roun~Cree requested permission from the City Couneil to be absent f'rom the St~te for the next three meetings and Couneilman Schnyder made a mot~.onlseconded by Councilm~.n Lierly to grant the request. Mayor Phillips announced the appointment of the f.ollow~ng ~ committees: Finances Councilmsn Lierly and ~enny. Streets,Parks~and Tov~n Property : Councilmen Menny~Schnyder~ and Rountree. Police a.3~d FiPes Couneilmen ~ehnyder~Lierly and Rountree. ~Nater ~ept.: Councilm~en Menny,Lierly and ~chnyder. l~e Clerk repoted ~hat a chec k for $5.00 was received from 2'~rneys ~lectric Shop and the License had been set at $ 10.~a per Qua~eter.Cauneilman Rountree ~de a mot3.oa~seconded by Councilman S~hnyder to return the eheck for $~.00 and demand the $ 10.0~ License fee as had been bilYed. ~ouncilman L3.erly brought up the subjeet of hirir~g ~r Ben ~onrad as City ~ngineer with power to deputize Mr C.W.~deCoy a8 the City would have to have a licensed engineer~after some discussfon Councilman Rountree made a mation~deconded b Couneil- man L3erly to employ P;~r Ben ~onrad as City EaZgineer at ~~Q.O~ per month~the motion carried. The building inspeetor positionR,:was discussed and Ma.yor Phillips ~ras to see Mr Barnes and explain to him that the ~ouncil felt it would be to the best interest of all cor~cerned to have Mr MeCoy act as building inspector as he would be available at all times. The building permits were diseuased and Mr George Ba.rnes had approved the plans with the exception of the ~~~1 ~itershouse which he said should be raised from $3500 to ~ 6000 and the H. W.Brown ga.r age_.should ha~te 2x4 studs instead of 2x3. Councilman Rountree made a motion,seconded by Councilman. Schnyder to grant the ~ollo~iring permitskafter the changes were rnade: H.~,1.Brown garage and ehieken hsbuse to ec~st $900~DerilP. Waiters house and ~arage $ 60~O~Pau? Wilkinson warehnuse and storage room $25~O,S.~.Buckland alterations $ 1~5 and Mrs Gertrude ~'hurlwe.ll to make alterations on a house $500. Couneilman Lierly brou,~ht up the eolleetion of water bills around town and said that he tho~ght it would be better if they came in and paid their bills at the hall and not take up so much of the water Supt's time running after them. The matter srf havir~ a new censua taken was broughta up and ~ttorney Harris said he had written a letter in regard to how soon we would receive b~nlFit from the census and suggested we wait till after the next meeting and by that time he should have a reply. The Council agreed that R~r Conrads fees should be pa~.d Prom the water Ptand and the $15.00 raise on a11 the regular employee~ be paid from the water fund except C.A.M~Kenzie whieh would come from the Ge~ieral F~nd and r~~r MeCoys salary should be pa.id $75.00 ~~:'~~e~ water Fund and $75 from the ~en' 1 Fund. 331: ( C~NTINUID ) T'he painting of the buildings at the well was discussed and, 'a motion was made by Couneilman ~ehnyder~seconded by ~'ouncilman Rountree to get bids for the paintin~g of the buildings. Bzlls against the General Fund for $ 1428~~~the Water Fund for $ 797•53 and the V'Tater ~eposit Fund for ~ 20.OO~also Warrant 141 from the Water Fund For $ 549.71 paid in April ~were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon r~otion the meeting was adj~urned. ~ ~ , , ~ Attest: ~ ~ _ .i ity Clerk Mayor Arroyo ~rande,California ~ ~ay 15,1946 The City council ~aet in regular ses$ion vvith ~ayor H.R. Phillips presiding. Unon r+oll ca11 Councilrr~sen Schnyder~Ddenny and Lierly repo~ted present.Absent Coune~na.n Rountre~. Communications were read and placed on file. A motion was made by Councilman Menny~seconded by CouneiZ- man Lierly to appoint ~Ir C.~1.A~eCoy as buildin~ and ~lumbing inspector for the City. The ~etitions for sewers in Western ~ddition were read and Councilman Schnyder made a motion,seconded by C~trneilman Lierly _ to have ~Iayor Phil].ips ~npoint a committee to see about having someone cireulate the p~titions and contaet ~Che people inWestern Addition.~iayor Phillips appointed ~ounci.lmeri Sehnyder and Lierly to contact the proper person~ to circul~te the petitions. Councilma.n Schnyder made a motion~seeonded by Couneilman Lierty to issue a license for a damee and carnival to the Te~n- A~e ~roup without any eh~rge. Mr H.B.Douglas and ~r Ben Conrad were here to discuss tentact- ive plans for the City Hall and after discussing the plan which had been submitte~. a motion was made by Councilman Schnyder , seconded by Councilman Lierly to authorize ~r pouglas and Mr ~onrad to proceed with plans and specifications so that applica- tion could be made for the ~tate and rederal '~unds as they might become available. RE50LUTION ~TQ. 132. ~ IN THE MATTER OF THE CANCEL,L~TION OF C~tT~IIN A~SESSM~TTS AND T~XES ON RF•4L PROPE~TY PtIRCHASID BY TH~' CITY C?F ARRO'~f0 GRANDE. P~~~';g~d~~~o~t~~ b~ ~3~e-°~'oll~~aig vote on roll call: AYES; Councilm~sn Phili~ps~Schnyder~Menny and Li.erly. NOE~ s RTON'E ABSENT:Councilman Rountree The plans and figures For the pipe line to the E~.st end of town were discussed.and the matter w~s laid over to a later date for further study.T~.E.Ev~ing wa,s asked to contact the signers of the petition to see ~ow many would actually use the ~ater. R.E.FUVing said he was r~ot sure he had enough second hand pipe to la~C the water line in ~lestern Addition so he asked permission to lay a 2 inch line instead. The work on the streets in Valley View Tract.:~,was di~cussed and the Couneil thought best not to do too much work at this time. ~i The road has been graded and some gravel hauled onto it and no oil mig will be put on at this time.Councilman Lierly said some- thing should be done on the shoulders up by the Hi~h Sehool. ~I Mr Ew3ng was instrueted to paint a white line and a large " STOP"on the intersection by tr~allys Cafe. ° Mr Volz License was discussed and the Council agreed to ' leave it at the $ 10.00 per quarter as it was ~ritten. Mayor Phillips discussed the need fdr a planning ~ommission . and RHr Harris the City Attorney agreed to have the necessary Ordinance prepared by the next mee~ing.Klso to have more infarm- atio i re rd to the tak'n of a new Census. nMr~arr~s also reporte~ ~n the proceedure to be taken on the two lots under discussion for some time.For the lot on "llen St. the City would have to enter into an agreement wit~i~~h~ County for the sale of the Lo~ to the City and then a quit claim deed from the former owners mi~ht be arranged later and the Lot cauld then be sold.by the City.