Minutes 1946-08-07 339 Arroyo ~rande1California =*tl~t,iSt 7 ~ 1A46 The City Council met in re~ul~rr session with ~tayor H.R. Philfipd presiding. Upon roll ea11 Councilmen Schnyder~Menny~Lierly and Rvurr- tree reported present. The minutes of the previous meetin~ were read and approved ~s read. 'i'he comLnunications were read and pl(~ced an file. ~ 'I'i~e communication from ItZr and ~+irs "'harland was discussed and the Council a~reed to havA Rena Street g~aded. al~r pon Cook arpeared and sa~d•`?the culvert beyond his ~~arage was too small and asked the Couneil to inst~ll a larger one. The Council a~reed to put a larger one in if it could be obtained. ~~r Fred Shaeffer asked to have Alpine StPeet closed from Faeh to the State xighway. rT'he Couneil agreed to the closing. h~r Shae~fer then ~sked about water and sewer to his lots and he agreed to furnish the pipe for the water line from the 2 inch line on Walnut Street. ~~e later ~sked about taking out the~° trees and was informed so far as the Council was coneerned they were a~reeable. A number ~f people from the ~~estern Addition were here to discuss the sew~r system contemplated for ¢~lestern Add'n as ' there had been some misunderstanding about the charg~e to the property owners. They were t~ld it was estim~ted the charge would be are~~nd Two ~nd one half dollar's ~er front foot. It ~r~as rex~orted that the willo~rs in the creek needed to be cleared out and it was suggested that a bulldozer be used to clear a channel. There was some discussion but no definite action taken. I~:Tr Harris reported that lt:~r polliver would be present at the meeting to be held tiugust 21~1946 if poss~ble. The figures n=vicessary for the work on V`,Test Branch Street ~evere to be ready for the =~ugust 21 meeting. Tvir E~rring a~ain ~_sked about purchasing a pipe locator and Councilman ?~ountree m~de a T,~otion~seconded by Councilman Lierly that ~ir Ewing purchase the eauipment. The Council a~reed that anyone moving houses over the City Streets should gat ~ permit from the ~upt of Streets. h~r Ewing was instructed to see about ordering some_4 inch pipe as soon as possibl~. Harry Hart the ~'sre Chief asked about charging for the buEning which was done on thr creek by the old P.C.bridge and ~ instructed to ch~.r~e £or the w~~rk. ~ It w~s agreed to keep l<<~r Menges on as Night Watchman for another 30 days. ~rdinance 83 was read for the first t~me. R~OLTJTIORT # 140 ' i i A R~SOLUTI~N P~1~1II~'TING NiR V'J.B.tt1ILD.1. TO H~'OK UP TO THE j QUTF~LL S ~,'1ER. ~ I P~sSed and,adopted by the followin~~ vote on roll call: ! i AY~S: Councilmen Phillips~SchnyderaTl:enny~Lierly and Rountree. , ~ N0~'S: l~lone . ~ ~ ~ :~~S~TT: NC~ne ' , ' ~?ills a~a.inst the General Fund for ~1,022.Q5 ~nd the ~Id~er Fund for 9b1.28 were audited~Approved and ordered paid. RTo further bmsiness ~r~pearing and upon motion the meeting was ~.d~;ourned. . ATTEST: . C~ . ~ ~ ~ty Clerk .a r