Minutes 1946-08-21 340 ~ ~ arroyo Grande~California ~ ~ugust 21,z946 , The City Council met in regv.lar session with ~ayor H.R. Phi?lips presidin~. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~l~~enny~Lierly and Rountree renorted present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved ~s read. Comr~unications were read and placed on file. h~r polliver from the 3tate '~ighway Department vaas present . to discuss a number of ~roblems in re~ard to ~raffic and main - tenance mn the Hi~hways throu~h the City.He stressed the need for parallel parking on the Hig~hway throu~h town and ~he auestion was asked~ could the Highway be rerouted out of the Ausiness District. P~r polliver said the City Council could request it but he could not say what action would be taken. ~rtayor Phillips said the City expected ~o resurface as much of Branch ~treet as was possible and asked if the State might heln financially so it could be resurf~ced all the way through town and n~r polliver agreed to call Sacramento and see what could be done. R~nLUTION T?0.141. RTSC?LU'"'TOItT R'~nt?~STIPTG `I'?~~' D'?PARZT.~~F.~TT CF' PUBLIC V~IORKS TO ".AAK~ A SURV:~'Y OM ~4SON ~TR~"~T BRIDr~ AS TC~ 'd1~;IGHT AND ~PEID. Passed and adopted by the followin~ vote on roll call: AY~S:Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~I~Senny~Lierly and Rountree. N0 : None . :~bs ent : ?~Tone . Councilm~n Rountree said the men from the Fire Contro2 Station had said if the City would furnish the seed they would ~Iant some lawns at the City Park. Councilman Schnyder made a motion~ seconded•by Councilman Lierly to furnish th~,e seed. r.~r ~ing asked about ordering meter boxes and CQUneilman Lierly made a motion,seconded by C'ouncilman Schnyder to purchsse 1CO meter boxes at ~ 1.30 each. R~OLUTIQN ?~T0.142. ~~SOLUTI~`N ~.PPROVII~TG AATD ,~CCEPTII~TG D~'~ TC~ LOT D,_~'D~ L~Y JOSEPH 5.GIBSCN ~r'D BL~,I~TCH~ T. GIPSQl~? HZS ~~'IFE,S~ID LOT BJING LOT 6 of BLOCK 8 OF ~HORT ~111~~.~ON _AND ~~~iITEL~'q' TR.~CT. ~assed and adopted by the following vote on roll calls ~AY~: Councilmen Phillips~~chnyder~lUtenny~Lierly and Rountree. r?G~ z 1~?one . ~B~~1'T : None. ~treet cupt.Ewin~ asked about ordering the cu2verts for ~s~alleyRoad and Tally Ho Raad and Councilman S~hny~er made a motion~ secon~ed by Councilm~n Lierly instructing him to or~.er the culverts. ~~~.r Ewing re~o~ted that RZr Rohde had reouested ~nother r~eter for the house in the rear of'lhis property and it was agreed that no meters should be ~2aced in private property and it would have to be set ~.t the curb. The claim of Addie Shipley for damages was referred,to the City ~ttorney and the Insurance Company. It was thought best to disregard the first reading of Ordinance r~To.83in the previous meeting as the Ordinance had to be reworded~ Correced Ordinance 83 was read for the first time at this meetirig. ~t was sug~ested that the street light which was at the Valley Road intersection be moved ta another location when the blinker li~ht was put in its place. Recess declared for the purpose of taking u~ the Board of ~'quali zati on. ??oard reconvenes as a Board of Trustees for the purpose o$ setting the Tax Rate for the coming year. After due deliberation and upon °r.otion it was decided to set the rate as follows: Genex~al Fund $ 1.~O,~ewer ~3ond Fund ~.10 and the Capital Outlay Fund $.lO,Tota1 Rate $ 1.20 which is declared.::to be the Tax Rate for the current year z946-47 on e~ch $ I00.00 of assessed valuation. No further business a~pearing and upon rnotion the meeting was adjourned. r ~ . ~ . Attest s~~~s• - ~ City Clerk ' ~ P~Za.yor