Minutes 1946-09-04 - 341 :~rroyo Grande ~ Calif'ornia September 4~1~46 The City Couneil met in re~ular session with Mayor H.R. ~'hillips p~esiding. _ Upon ro11 e~.ll Councilmen Schnyder~ 1~1lenny~Lierly and Rountree reported present. _ _ The minutes o~` the previous meetin~ were read and approved as read. CommuMications were read and placed on file. The reauests of Rev.Vaughn in behalf of thE R~ssemb~y of God CY~ureh were discussed each one separateTy, First~to conduct street service on Branch Street,a rnotiorz was made by Cau~cilman Rountree,secondec~ by C~uncilman Lierly•.to allow the street service. Ayes: Couneilme~ Rountree and Lierly. , Noes: Couneilmen Schnyder ~Menny and Phillips. Secor~d~to use a loud speaker outside the Church~Councilman Roun~e~::made a motion to deny this request, the motion was seconded by Council~.n Lierly and the mot#~on carried. Third~th~~;request for a small light outside of the Chureh was gr~nted. Fou~e~h~the use of.a Beam light with a radius of 11 miles was denied. ORDII~jANCE N0.83 ( Second Reading) (new series) _~iN ORDINAlU'CE OF THE CITY QF ARROYO GRJP~TDF,~REA.TING THE OFr ICE OF BUII~ING INSPECTOR:REGUI~TII~TG T~3E Eft~TIO~T~C011f3~RUCTI~29'~ Ei~?L~iRG~ l~"E~TT ~ A LT~ATION ~ REPAIR ~~iOVING ~RIIsli(NAL ~ D~OLITIQl~T ~ CO~TVERSI01~'~ C?CCLTF- .qN~CY ~~UIPMIIVT'LT~E ~ HEIGHT ~ 4REA AND R"~.II~TT~V~?'~E QF BUILDIlITGS OR STRU$TURES IN THE CITY 4F ARROYO GR~4RIDE~ PROVTDING FOR TFiE ISatJRNCE OF P~MSTS A1~D COLLFCTION FE~ THF~RE'F£)R; PROVIDIlff~ PEI~ALTTES FQR VIOLeITION ~THERF~}F;AIVD REP~LING ~RDIN~N~ES l~T~S.4-7 ~ 69 ~ 73 and 77 and ~.LL ~THER ORDINANCES OF THH~:' CITY ~F AR.ROYO GRARTDE IN C~NFLTCT THEREV~~ITH. Pa:ssed and adopted by the following vote on roll calli AY~;,S:Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder'Menny~Lierly and Rou.ntree. IdC~ES : None . ~BSENT: None. A motion was made by Councilman ~ehnyder~seconded by Council- man~ierl,,y* to give the Arroyo Grande Vo3unteer Fir~ Dept;$ 100 Por the year. The matter of caring for the bills of the ~lanning Co~nissian ~ was ~discussed and it w~.s agreed to have the bills taken eare of by warrant from the General Fund. Parallel Paxking and a time limit was discussed and Council- man Lierly made a motion~seconded by Councilman Rountree ta have an ordinance drawn up for parallel parkin~ the full length of Branch Street and a 1 hour time limit from 9 A.~d. to 6 P.A~. on Brar~ch St; from the Methodist Chureh to A~ason Street and on Br~.dge St; from Branch St; to the steel bridge. ' Councilman Lierly made a motion~seconded by Couneilman Rountree that a fire o~3dinanee be dr~wn up. Councilman Schr~yder made a motion~seconded by eouneilman Lierly that Mayor Phillips see I+~r polliver of the State Highway and the City advertise for bids for the resurfacing of Branch Street from 3~E7 feet west of Bridge St; to the east side of Masd~n ~t; the motion carried- unanimously. Councilman Rountree said the ~.rroyo Grande Truck Ca; wauld like to work with the City on planning the wo~y°k for VJesley Street so the street could be done to the best advanta~e for a11.Also the driveway up to Mr l~llen Boschs garage was discussed and it was suggested.the Committee on streets look into it. Mr Clarence Burrell and ~~r T.Swi~art were present and I+1~r Burrell asked what the City could do in regard to a cross~ng guard and after some discussion the Council agreed to pay Mr Bennetts salary af ~3p.00 for September till the school beard could make same arrangements and the City would continue the payments they had ~ade in former years of $ 15.00 per month. ~ discussion of the old Pacific Coast R~ilway Right of Way being used for a road came up and Councilman Schnyder made a motion~second- ed by Councilman Rountree ta refer the looking up of the rights of way and litigation to the City Planning Commission. ~42 ~ ( continued) ~ Councilman ~ountree s~id he planned on attending the ConVent-- ion of the League of CaZif~irnia Citiesa.~a be held in San Diego and ~ Couneilman made a mp~ion~seconded by Councilman Lierly that he also be permittec3 to ~eave the State. Councilman Schnyder made a motion,seconded by Councilman Lierly that N~.r Harris the City Attorney be authorized to prepare tax exempt ion certificates both City and County on the lot deeded to the City by l:s Joseph S.Gibson and Llanehe E.Gibs~n his wife. Bills aga.inst the General Fund for ~ 1201.16,the ~Tater Fund for ~ 1079.67 and the ~~later Depasit Fund for $ 8.00 were audit~d,appro~- ed and ordered paid.: No further business appearing and upon motion the mee~ing was ~.d j ourned . ~ ~ ~ttest- ~ City Clerk ARay r ( ~orrection.) ,:~fter some discussion about a raise for Mr Men~es the night watchman~Councilman Lierly made a motion,seeonded by Councilma.n Rountree to raise Mr ~enges to-$ 20~.00 per month. ~ Arroyo ~rande California ~eptember I~,1946 The City Council met in re~,ilar session with Mayor Phillips presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~~ienny~Lierly and Rountree reported present. The minutes of the previous meetin~ were read and after add- ing the correction in re~ard to the raise in I!~r Mer~ges ~alary the~ were approved. Communications were aead and pl aced on file. A discussion about readjustment of salaries for the police was had and Councilman Rountree made a motion~seconded by ~ouncilman Schnyder to,refer the matter to the commission on police,and it aras su~gested they place their findings before the Council. Mr Filer appeared and asked about the sewer and some v~ork on ~~~hiteley 9treet where he lives and they reported that the sewer survey for there had been made and R~r ~eCay v~s instructed to contact the rroperty owners. The Couneil informed 14gr Filer that the street was generaZly up to the property owners and after it was put in shape the City would keep it up but he sat~d if it could be graded and a little gravel put on so he would be able to get in and aut he would be sati~fied. The Couneil agreed that they would try and do that mueh. ~".ayor 1'hillips reported that the expa~sion joints in the ~ason Street bridge were getting so large that the concrete v~ras being chirped off and Street Supt. Ewing was instructed to have them filled. . The deed from r7r Ruhl to the City for the continuation of Alpin~ • Street was presented and Councilman Sehnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to refer the deed to the City Attorney before accepting it. It was ~lsp s~ggested that R~r Harris be asked to prepare some forms to be si~med by property owners in the ~+estern Additian for the sewer laterals. Councilman ~chnyaer made a motion~seconded by ~~buncilman Lierly that the Clerk be allowedt-~the necessary help for typing in the office. There ~ras some discussion on pumps ~pipe and wa~er and Mr E~ruing gas instructed to ~et pipe up to $1000.00 valuation as soon and as~ often as it could be obtained and also to have the necessary pumps and work on the wells done this winter. lhe subject of closing the dance at 12 midnight was brought up and the Council asked I~~Ir MeKenzie to notif'y the operators of the dance that it was the Councils wish that they close at midni~ht.It was also su~gested to have th~ City A~torney make an amendment to the dance Ordinance setting the time for elosing at 12 maadni~ht. The street in back of Mr Boschs property was discrossed and the Council were of the opinion that the work would be up to the property owners.