Minutes 1946-10-22 _ ~4~~~1 Arro o Grande California , Y ~ , Oetober 21 1946 The C~~y Cour~cil met in special session ~ith ~ayor H.R.Phillips i ;aresiding. _ _ _ ' L~pan roTl call Councilmen Schnyder~~ie~n~r~Lierl~r and Rountree reported present. , The purpose of thxs me~ting was to let a cantract for more resurfacing om Branch Street. ~.~oLVTZC~u ~ 146 R~OLUTI~~' authorizin~ a contract be let to Brown and ~okc~ _ for resurfacing on F~st Branch Street and that Mayor ~'illipst be authorized to sign~and execute the contract. Passed and adopted by the fol~o~3.n.,~ roll c~.ll vote: , AY~S: Councilmen F`hillipssMenny~Lierlys5chn~der and Rountree. NQ~ t I4'one . No f'urther business appearing and upon motion the meeting was ~d~ourned. ' Attest: C ty C er ~tayor Arroyo Grande~California . Getob~r 22~1946 The City Council met in Special session vrith ~iayor H.R.Phillips presidin~. ~Jpon roll call Coun~ilme~ Schnyder,~enny~Lierly~and Rountree reported present. The purpose of this meeting was to let a contract for surfacin~ a portion of Short St~eet and ~,i~~ balance o~ Braneh Street. , REa~LUTION'~# 147 ~ESOI,UTI4~~authorizing a contract be Iet to Bro~xt and Doko -for ' surfacing on the north end of Short Street~and the b~lance af ' Branch Street~and that ~ayor Phillip~ be authorized to sign and execute the contraet. Passed and adopt~d by the follo-n:=:ing roll call vote: ~YES: Couneilmen Fhillips~Schnyder~B~enny~Lierly and Rountree. 1~~'OES: Nose, l~o further business a~apearing and upon motion the ~neeting was . ' adjourned. Attest: _ C ty C erk R~ayor ' l~rroyo Grande~California , October 23~1946 The Ci~,y Cour~eil met in special session with R~ayor F.R,Phillips presidi~. ' Upon rall call Councilmen Schnyder~~~ennyyLierl.y and ~ount,ree reparted present. ' The purpose oP this meeting was to let a cantract for the shoulder on the ~st end of Branch Street or Fiuasna Road by the High School. RES4LUTIORT 14$ RE,.S^LUTIQN',authorizing a contract be let to Brown and Dako ~or surfacing the shoulder of Huasna Road by the ~iigh School and tha~ ~ayor Phillipa be autharized to sign and e~ecute the contr~et. Passed and ~dopted by the following roll e~.ll vote: AYF.S:Councilmen Phillips~Sahnyder~~~enny~Lier2y and Rountree. ~+tOES: I~one. A representa.tive from Johns~ ~~ansville a~~peared to discuss transite ripe and showed°some samples to the C~uncil. They a~rreed to think the matter over. ~ ~3o further business a~pearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. :~ttest: C ty ~Ierk A~gayor