Minutes 1946-12-04 348 ~ Arrovo Grande~Cal3farnia Dec mber 4 ~ 1946 The City Council met in regular ~essi n~nd vras called to order by the Clerk. Upon ro1T call Councilmen Sehnyder~~2e y~Lierly and Rounf.ree reparted present. Rbsen~ ~~ayar Phillips. A motion was made by Councilrnan Lier~l ~seconded by Councilman - ~"enny that Councilman Sehnyder aet as Mayor ~ The minutes of the previous meeting were read and appraved as read. The communications were read and placed on file. motion was made by Couneilman Lierly ~seconded by Cotme~2- man Rountree to renew the insurance policy with E.C.Laomis and Son on the house owned by the City at 212 Branch Stseet. &~r Ryan ~ras present ta see what had been done about a franchise for the taxi business he had asked for and th~re was nathing to report as ~.r Harri~ the Cfty Atta~ne~` had been unable ta a~rork f or ~evera2 weeks.Ne assur~d Mr Rya.n if ~t all possible he would have" it Iooked up by the nex~ meetin~. There was considerable discussi~n ~.nd he~was told he ~ight ~o ahead with a license ta operat~ but the Counc3l wa.s opposed to ~rantir~g him a stand for his taxi. RESQLUTIDN # 149 R~~LUTIOI~f TO PtTF~CK,AS~ PtJ~:`P ~ BO~JL,S ~~QTQR A~?D ~''UIPI~IF,~'T NEEDED , AT THE ~i'EL,I~S ANT",D TI~4T THE CITY CLF.~tK PE AUTHQRIZID TO PtJBLISH 14TOTICE AND ADV~T'ISE FQR BII~S. ~ Passec~ and adop~ed by the follo~ring ro11 eall vote: ~ AY~S: Councilrnen Schnyderi~~tenny~ierly a.nd Rountree. NC~ES : None . ~~SEN'T; Mayor Phillips. There was a discussion about the rubbish on the streets amd it w~s su~:gested that ~tr ~eKenzie ~.sk tthe people to stop srveepin~ rubbish onto the streets.It was reported that NIr Agueda v?ras going ta bid on some ga:rbage eans and if he ~ot them we might be able to get same to put on the streets as the ones on theā€¢streets are in very poor shape and there are not enough. I~r Ewin~ asked about getting a bulldozer to help vu3.th put~ing in the srulvert at Don Cooks.Cour~cilman Rountree &~ade a motion~second- ed by Counei2man Councilman Lierly authprizing b~.r Ewing to get th~ bulldozer to do the work. Nir McKenzie ~sked about havi~g a street li~ht in front of the Post Office as it was very d~rk along there. Councilman Lier2y made ~ motion ~seconded by Councilman Rotz~2t- ree that ~r ~c~ay have authar~.ty to hire men far sewer survey in ~~'estern Addition . Haxry Hart reported ~'hat the roof on th~ fire house leaked badly and Councilman Lierly made a motion~seeonded by Coun~ilman Rountree that ~ir McCoy have a ne~ roo~' put on. A discussion about the lines on Le Point and High #~treets ~ras had but no definite aetion taken. The ~ill frflm Mr ~risco was di~cussed and there v~as a len~- thy discussion and it was thou~ht best to loak inta~ the mat~er further . Bills ag'ainst the General Fund Po~ $ 1144.3~,the ~ater Fund for ~ 1061.18 and the ~~ater Deposit ~und for $ 4.00 were audited~ approved and ordered pa~d. No Further business appearing and upon,~otion the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Attest: ~ City C er ~ ~iayor , ~