Minutes 1947-01-15 351 :~.rro~o ~ranc~e,~aliFornia ~ ~anuary 15,1q47 The City C".ouncil rn~t., in re~ular se5sion with ~~iayor ~.R. rhillips p3esidin~. L?pon roll ca1:1 C~unci:Im~n ~~enny~Lierly' and Rountree re~ort - ed present. ~bsent Councilman ~ehnyder. The r~inutes of the previous meetin~ were read and appraved as read. ' The cor:~:munications ~~ere read and placed on file. The bids for the purchase of pump~motor and eq~aipment for the itft3ter Dept;were opened. The k~id from ~oemer and Roemer being the Zowest,a motion ~as m~ade by CouMCilma~ ~ountree~seconded byCauneil- man~~~~`r~:yto accept the bid o~' Roemer and Roemer. It was suggested th~.t ~Sr MeCay cont~ct the Pacifie Gas 3nd ~lectric Co;represntat- : ive and find out about a double throw sv~i.tch. I~r I~cCoy revorted we would be ab~Ie to ~et so~ne map~ af the City from the Southern ~ouMties ~as o;for the Planning Commission as saon as we found out definitely what the Commission wanted. It was reported that ~he~-ta~;Ie a~, the ~a~k could be purchased for $ 25.04 and five ch~irs for ~ 5.(JD each.Couneilm~.n Rountree :n3de a motion~seconded by Councilman ~~enny authorizing l~~r MeCoy to I z~urchase them. ~tr Ray ~nderson and tvro representatives from the Paeifie ~rey~- hound Lines were present and requested a loading zone f~r the ne~r location and Cauncilman Lierly made motion,seconded by Council- ' manRountree instrizet~ng l~~r r.~eCoy to measure off the street and see what ~istance could be ~llawed for a cross walk after the parking places were measured off. It was reported the City eould ~Qt some 4 inch ~alvanized pipe and Cour~.cilman ~.ountree m~de a motion,secanc~ed by Councilman Lierly ; ~hat the purchasing ~~ent order 1000 feet of 4 ineh galvanized pipe ~ ~nd a special meeting was to be held ~.t 10 A.~. ~anuary 16,to see j about ordering some more. 'i ~~~r ~~cCoy re~o~ted he had talked to P~r Fred Shaeffer and the ~ fittings for the 2-~ inch pipe would coMe to ~ 82.30 and ~~r ShaeFfer ; s~id if the City c~T~~zld ra~her have the ~00 f~~t of 4- ineh pi~e they ~ could have it instead of the 2~,. inch pipe if the City v~tould pay ~ t~e $ 82.80 which they would have to pay for the fittin~s for the ' 2~; inch pipe. Coun~ilm~.n Lierly made a mo~ion~secanded by Couneil- man Rountree authorizin~ 1ti1r ~~cCoy to notify l~r ~hae~fer that we , would nay the ~ 82.8C? and ~;at the 60C fPet of 4 inch pipe from Mr Shaeffer. I Ordinance 86 on P~rking w~.s read for the first time. ' Zt was reported th~.t there ~~s ta be a mpetin~; of the Planning ~ommission on ~anuary 22 and they had reruested t~he City ~ouncil to ' m~et with them. ~ There was sor~e discussion on the re~airing and cleaning of the trunk line of the se~er and the m~.tter was to be looked into ~ further. ~:'_r ~rin,~ asked abaut installing a lar~er meter for T~~r T~dalker for fire ~arotection and he v~a.s instructed to inst~.ll one if h~r ''131ker would ~ay the $ 6.00 ~'in, ~ I,:r Ewing al~o ~:sked about ~;ettin~ help on ~uttin~ in the culvert ~t Don Cooks and he va~.s to2d ta g~et ~`r poko ~'s eqr3i*~ment to help. There was a discus:~ion ~.baut install.ing more fire plugs ~s there ~vere sever~l are~s ~ahere it ~was c~uite a distance between plugs. r?o further business ~r~pe~,rin~ anc~ u~on motion the me~ting ~,~as ad ; ourned. „ , . % , ) ~ i-,~~ 1 ~ , ~ r--~ , ~ _ ~itt@St' .G~e~~ ' ~,~G-i~~~~ " ' 'Zty C1erlc ~ Mayor