Minutes 1947-02-05 352 ~ '~rroyo Grande~California ~ 161a ~ ~Tanuary , g 7 t~",' T~~ C~.t~r ~~u~zc~..l me~ ~~n s~ec2~~. ~:ess~~a~ ~wi:th P~ayor P~iill,i~s _ . , _ . _ , , ~ , ~ . ~~esid~.~ ~ ' ~ . . a . . _ , F~pvn_;a~Q3:~. ~ca:~1. ~ouz~c~lm~ I!s~~enny,Lierly and .~ountree repdrt- ed present.Absent Councilman Schnyder. This meeting; e~s c~lled for the pur~ose of discnssin~ the ordering of inere pipE for the i~.ter Dept. After discussion~ Councilman Li~rly m~cie a motion~seconded " by Councilman P~enny:.~o have the P~zrch~sing a,~ent arder 1000 feet more of 4 inch ~alv~:nized pi~e from the Union H~.rdware Co~rany throu~h T?ol.ser and '?ailey. V~.rious other matters were discussed but no action taken. g?o further business ~ppe~ring ~and u~on motion the meeting was adjourned. . Attest: .~,':.~~~i~~^ ~/L~ City Clerk ~ T~, a or ~ ~rroyo Grande,California February 5~1g47 The City ~ouncil met in regular se~sion with ~~ayor H.R, Phillips presiding. Upor~ roll call Couneilmen ~chnyder,~~enny,Lierly amd Rountree re~orted present. The minutes of the previous m~eti~ig were re~.d and a~proved as read. The communications were read and placed on file. C~RDI~?ANCE # 8~. ~.id QRDIN.~I~TCE OF TF?~' CITY C~F A?~RaY4 GR.~NDE RECULATING TR~~'FI~, UPO1tT T~-?E PARKIP'C C~F VIIIICLES C'N mFE PUBLIC STREL'Z"5 OF TFIE CITY OF AI3~nC?Y(? GR~ND~,'~PROVIDII~.TG FF:~~ALTY' ~N+~~'C7R AND REPFALIN'G ORDI~?~'CE,_S I1~T COA~'LICT T~TERE~ffiTH. Passed and adopted by the ~ollo~rin,~ vate on ro11 eall: AY~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~b~enny~Lierly and Rour~tree. hT0~5 : A?one . A~3S~' TT: 1~O1~TE. f ~t~~LUTIt?N 152. . ~ R RESOLUTZON ABAhTU~I~II~TG J~t?D CL~SING ~ P(~.~TI4N dF ~ LPIlrTE ~TREET. Pag.sed and adopted by the following roll call votes ~Y~: Councilmen Fhillips~Menrfy~5chnyder~Lierly and T~ountree. NOES:None. ~iB~ II~T : None . The request of ~~rs Pe~;g~r Qliv~ss to conduct dances in the I.D.E.S.Hallwas discussed and Gouncilman Schnyc~er m~de a motion~ seconded by Council.man Rountree to refer the matter to the Chiefl of Police far investigation. ~ ~''he Planning Commissions r~com.mendation for the closing of the ~~'est end of Braneh Street vuas di5cussed and Councilman Raun-- tree made a motion,seconded by Councilman LierTy to close the ~1est end of Branch Street. Councilman P:"enny asked for a roll call vote whieh was as follows: ~.XE,S:Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~LierZy and Rountree. ~I NO~:Councilman ~enny. ~ abs ent : RTone City Attorney ~~r Harris s~~d he would look up the pro- cedure the City would have to follow. ' The Planning Com~issions request that the City contaet the • City of Pismo Beach and the Sa~ Luis 4bispo County about for~- ation of a district to take care of the di'sposal of traah and garba~e was discussed and Councilman Rountree made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Lierly asking the ~ayor to a.ppoint twa members of the City Council to cantact the City of Pismo Beach and the County Supervisorsto see ~hat could be done about form- ing a dis"trict to take care of trash and garbage. ~~ayor Phillips ~npointed Gouncilmsn Schnyder and Lierly. The purchase of ec~uipment for cleaning the sewer lines was discussed and Coune~.lman Lierly made a motion,seconded by Council- man Rountree instructing the purchasing a~ent to purchase the equipment. 35~ 1l~r M~Coy reported that the measurements on the West end ot` Branch Street shov~ed there v~ould be about room f'or a six foot crossw~lk ~fter measuring the distance for parking. ~~r Harry ~ore~son arpe~red to ~et information in re~ard to the annexation of F~.ir Oaks znto the City. The difference in t~xes ~s discuss~d and ~lso the benefits and ~,~r Sorenson said he merely wa~:ted to get the information to give to the peopl~ so they mi~ht m~ke u~ their minds ~.s to wheth~r they v+~.shed to be included in the City. A~rs C.N.Heidker 4~.s present and talked about the Recreation Projec~ in the City and asked if it would be possible for th~ City to contribute to the project. AftEr discussion ~~r ~?arris the City ~tto~ney said he would look up the matter and Caun~il- man Sch~yder made ~ motian,~econded by Councilman Rountree to hold the matter over till next meeting for further d~.scussion. There was a discussion on the purchasin.g of more fire pl~gs and ~ir D~cCoy ~a.s instruct~d to orc~er four fire plugs and the necessary fittings. There ~~~as some cli~cussion about the pipe which ~r Shaeffer h~.d ~.~reed to ~ive to the City and RRr Harris a~reed to v~rite P~r Shae~'fer and ~et the matter s~ttlEd. ~~r A1~cCoy s~id ~~r poko would di~ the ditch~lay the pipe and . f31I in the ditch for 38 cents in the ~ones Traet and Couneil- man Lierly made a motion~seconded by Councilman Rountree inst.rc~- etin~ ~~r ~cCoy to have the v~ork dane. ~.r MeCoy vuas also authorized to see about purchasing some more 4 ir,eh pipe. Gouncilman ~ountree ~nat~e a motion,sPCOnded by Councilman Lierly to raise the City ~=sttorney ~"r HH~..rris 20 dollars per month to be paid from the ~~~ter Fund. ~ills ~gainst the neneral Fund for $ 1145•53~the t~a~er Fund for $ 12g6.42 and the ~'ater Deposit Fund for ~ 4.00 were auditr ed~a_~proved and ordered paid. ~To further busin~~s a~apearin~ and upon motion ~h~ m~eting was adjourned. ~ ~ ~ A ~'T~T: A . /~j C~ty Ier~ ~ l~ayor ~rroyo Grande ~ Cal~ f . ~etober 4, 1948 COR~ECTIORT: The next to Iast para~raph of the minutes above (February 5~ 194'~3 should read as follows: Bills against the General F'und for $I296 .42 ~ the V~Jater F~nd for $I245.53 and the t~ater Deposit Fund for $4.~0 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. A TTFST : C~~__~_,,~__ C~'-=`~- City Clerk ItiRayor 35~ 1l~r ~IeCoy reported that the me~surements on the ~lest end of ~ranch Street showed there v~ould be about room for a six foot crossww~lk ~fter m~asuring the distance for parking. ~~r Harry ~orei~son a~pe3red to ~et information in re~ard to the annexation of F~.ir Oaks into the City. The difference in taxes w~s discuss~d and also the benefits and A~r ~orenson said he merely wa3~ted to get the information to give to the peopl~ so they mi~-ht m~.ke u~ the~r minds ~.s to whether they wished to be included in the City. ll~rrs C.N.Heidker 4~as ~resent and t~lked about the R~creation Projec~ in the City and asked if it would be possible for the City to contribute to the project. ~~'tEr discussion 1!~r ?~arris the City ~ttotne3r said he would laok up the matter and Caun~il- man Sch~yder made a motion~secanded by Couneilman Rountree to hold the matter over till next meeting for further discus~ian. There wa~ a discussion on the purchasin~ of mflre fire plugs and ~Ir ~feCoy ~.s instructEd to orc~er Four fire plugs and the necessary fittings. There ~~~a.s some discussion about the pipe which Shaeffer had agreed to ~ive to the City and lt~r H~rris agreed to writ~ 2~r ~haeffer and get the matter s~ttlEd. ~~r P~eCoy s~id R~r poko v~rould dig the diteh ~ lay the pipe and _ fill in the ditch ~'or 38 cents in the 4~'ones Trac~ and Cc~uneil- man Lierly made ~ motion,seconded by Councilman Rountree instru- ctin~ ~"r ~eCoy to have the ~rork done. ~~r ~icCoy was al~o authorized to see ~bout purchasing some more 4 i:~,ch pipe. Councilman ~?ountree ma~~.e a motion,sECOnded by Councilman Lierly to raise the City ~=~ttorney ~"r HH~..rris 20 dol2ars p~r month to be paid from the 't~'~ter Fund. Bi lls ~.gainst fi,he C'eneral Fund for ~ 1145. ~ the ~t~jater Fund , for $ 1296.42 and the ~~ater Deposit Fund far ~ 4.00 were auditr ed~a.°°proved and ordered paid. ~To further busines~ a~pearin~ and uFon motion the meeting was adjourned. G - A',T~T: .c~~ ~ ~ ~ C~ty CIe~ ~ ~ Mayor ~rroyo Grande~ Cal~f. 9etober 4, 1948 C~RRECTION: The next to last para~raph of the minutes above (February 5~ 1947~ should read as follows: Bills against the General Fund for $I,296.42, the t~~ater Ftznd for $I145 • 53 and the t~ater Deposit F'und for $4.00 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. A TTEST : ~~.~X " City Clerk Mayor ~