Minutes 1947-03-19 r~---------- - - - - - - - : 356 ~ Arroyo Grande~California ~ ~+~arch 19 ~ 194~. r ~ The City Council inet in regular session with Nayor H.R.`: Phillips ~residing, UpoM roll call Councilmen Schnyder and Rount~ee reported present. ~bsent Couneilmen Lierly and Men~ry. ` , The minutes of the previous meetin~ were re~d and appro~ted as read. The communieations were read and placed on f?le. ' There was a discussion about cantributioM ~o the Recreation Project and it w~s held over until r~ext meetin~. Some discussion was had about se~rrers in the ?rdestern Addition and it was a~reed to see I~"r C'onrad about the`survey. Discussion in regards ~o ~sater for Nr R.T.Duncan and it was agreed the trouble was`probably in his own line. A discussion about curbs and gutters on a'lest Branch Street and ~rr McCoy was to contact the property awners. The Ca.tholic Church Lot for a~arking lot ~t~as discussed and it was reported they were waitin€; for a letter from the Bishop. It was rep~orted the R~erchants 8ssociation had a~ked about leveling the ots betvaeen ?~uth Swa1I and the '~Rlhitlock property. Councilrnan ~ountree made a motion~seconded by Counemlma.n Sehnyder that a letter be written to the ~~~rchants Assae.offering to co-operate with the;;l~tercha~ts of Arroyo Grande in regards tv , parking lots. Discassion on water supply and it~.was suggested that the pipe companies be contacted on prices on l~ and 12 inch a~~~ and transite pipe. Also check distances and route to Grand Ave. It was~reported the Arrayo ~rande TRucking Co;wanted to put in another loading platform and it was a~reed~they eould not come out over the sidewalk area. Harry Hart asked about buyin~ the second hand briek in the ' yard for $ 14.0~ and a motion was made b~r Councilman schnyder and seconddd by Councilman Rountree to sell the bricks to Mr Hart for $ 14.00. h7o further busine~s a~pearing and upon motion the me~ting was adjourned. " ~ ' 'j ~ . ~ . Attest s t • ~ ~1i( ~ A~ti~g er? Ma o