Minutes 1947-04-02 Arroyo Grande~California. ~ Apr~i I 2 ~ 1947 The City Coixncil met in regular session ~~rith ~Iayor I~.R. Phillips pres~ding. L7;~on roll call Cauncilmen ~chnyder9~ienny and Rountree reported ~resent. Absent C.ouncilman Lierly. ThF ~inutes of ~he previous ~eetin~ ;•~ere rea:d and anproved as read. The communicatiorrs were read and nlaced on file. AftPr some discussioM on the canc~ll~tion of' ~ 2.00 on Mr. Walker's Febru~ry water bill,~. motion va~as made by Councilm~n Sehnyder~seconded by Councilman Rountree to caneel ~ 2.00 of the vuater bill until ~ lar~;er meter was installed. R~~LUTIt?l~' # 15~. B~'ORE T~~~ CI~.'Y COUPTCIL CF TH~, CITY ~F ARROYO GyRA~DE. R~QLUTIC~N P~.~:I TTTI`~G PF~R.S IARA IhTE D~LTTI~rIS T~ HC~QK UP TG~ 4UT~'ALL SEV~?~. Passed ~~td adopted by the followin~ vote an roll eall: ~ ?~YES:Councilmen Phillips~~ehnyder~~Senn~rr and Rountree. 1'?0~ : AB~?~1T: Counei3mar~ Lierly. Councilman Rount~ee reportet3 that a committee from the Planning Commissio~ u~as to meet with some of' the women o~' the Recre~tian Pro~ect ~ommittee. ~FSOr.~~o~ ~c~. 156. A RESOLUTIal~? m9H~I~TDOPIII~?G AN? CI,OSII~TG PORTIQN ~F BR~i~TCH 51i1JL'Jl • ~ Passed and adopted by vhe follo~.rzg vQte on roll call: AY~: Councilmen Philligs,Sehnyder and ~our~tree. 1~0~s Councilman ~~~-ienny. A,LS~TsCouneilmar~ Lierly. . 'I'h.ere was some diseussian about hiring a motorcycle officer for some time but the matter was diseussed and ~o definite actio~ taken. ~pecifications for curbs and ~utters ~rrere discussed and ~r. Harris the City Attorney took the copy up to study over and if found to be alri~;ht it cauld be ~.dopted at the next meeting. ~~'s ~'wi~g asked ~.bout getting bitumuls and ~ravel or oil mix to patch some of the streets ~nd he was told to discuss the matter with Mr l~eCay and see how much money could be ~pent for r~surfacing or repairin~ ~treets for this year. Mr MeCoy repo~cted tY~t, he had contaeted the property o~rners ~ on ~4?est Branch ~treet and ~"our~d them ~12 in favor of ~utting in curbs and gutters. ??e also said NIr Paul Ralph said he v~ould like to have it do~e when he could take care of his ov~n work. ~ Mr Harris reporte~..::there ~aould be a he~ring on the claim af ~f.rs Shipley ag~inst the City ~.t 10 A.~~~. on r~~onday April ~ 1947. Bills against the General ~'und for $ 1783.~2~the ~later Fund for $2167.26lthe '~~ater Deposit Fund for $ 8.00 and the Income Tax Fund for $ 249.80 were au~Witec~~apprr~ved and ordered gaid. ~a further business appearing and upon ~iotion the m~etin~ was adjourned. , , tX?'TEST~~~ r`~`i ~ '~v~z~ c <`,l'~'~i~{ ' C~.ty Clerk ~a or. ,