Minutes 1947-05-07 ~58 ~ Ar~soyo ~rande,Ca_lifornia ~ ~;pz i l 16 ,1;~47 ~ `ihe City Council m~t in reaul~x session an~. as there Vras only tv~ayor Phillips and C~uncilmen ~5enny ~resent t'nere Ff,~.s not a r~~orom and no pressi~ r~eeds for r:ie~tin~ ~t a later d~.te it t^~as decided to dis~?ense ti~~ith c~.lling an adGourned meet.in~. ~ 1 y ~TT' .,~,~,i~~t d;~"`ti.~___.._ Attest. ~a~ r`"~.~. ~ ~~r~ E ~~r~, ~ ~ ~ ~ Ci~ty lerk r:~ayor` ~ ~ - ~rroyo Grande~California May 7,19~7 The City Council met in reg~:~lar sessioa~ with ~ayor H.R. Phillipa presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~~enny and Lierly repart~d present.Absent Couneilman Ror~ntree. The minutes of th~ prsv~;o~~ meetir~ wer~ read and approved as read. T&e communications were~read and plaeed on file. ~ayor Ph~llips was authortzed to sign the necessary paper~ on the projeets to receive the ~cent gas tax money to be used on the State High~vays . The Divi~ion of Forestr~'s request ~'or the rental of the building at the City Park was granted. The rent of ~12.~0 per month and the eharge for water to be $ 2.00 per month as bei'or~. BESS~LtT2I0N RTC1.157. . RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~.RR4Y0 GRANDE~ COLTNTY OF S~N Lt1IS ~BISPO~ST~TE OF CALIFORNI~,. REIATNE TO THE ~CCEPTARTCE OF CERT~IN DEFD~ FROM THE e0U1~TY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. Pas~ed and adopted by the following roll call vc~te: ~YF~Ss Couneilman Phillips?Sehnyder~~ienny and Lierly. NOES:None. ABSIIVT: Councilman Rount~ree. The Teen ~ge~~a reauest Por permission to giv~ a danee o~ two t,o raise money for their or~ar~ization was granted and also there would be no char~e for a license. The matter of bicycle riding and parkin~ on the ridet~lks was di~~ussed and it was decided to put a r~t~tice in'the loeal pap~r that aPter l~ay lg, 194a~~;~iy~ene violating the t}rdinanee would receive a ticket as there had been several accident~ caused by bicycle riders running into people walking on sidevya~k~. ~ Mr k~ring was instructed to pu~ the 2 inch w~ter line up to the Bill Hopkin~e place. . Mr MeCoy wa,s instructed to pl~.ce an order for 1504 feet more of the tran~it~ pip~. T~3t::Afire hazard of vacant lot~ was discussed and it wa~ deeided to charge by the hour for burning off the lots. I~ was repafi~ted there v~as a buyer for the old grader and they were told to get bids and sell i~. The people on Alpine Street asked for a street sigr~ and sa.id they would put one up if the City would allo~ them.~ir E~aring ~va~ asked to have onE made and set up out there. Mr Dctnc~.n had repo~t~d that he had put new pfp~ in fram the meter on his place and the ~rouble mus~ be from the maii~ to the meter and the men wer~ instructed to check back of the iaeter and see where the trouble was. ~Ir Conrad was present to give information vn the sew~ers in We~stern Addition and h~ had the figures on the ca~t.of cons~ruetion and it was d~eided to have an article pu~ in thec,local paper to invite thes~ interested to attend the next ~ouneil meetir~g ar~ the clerk was inatructed to have copies made of the preperLy own~re by streets. A garbage district was di~tcussed and it was deeided to eo~~ider the matter further before making a decision. Bills a~ainst the General Fund for $ 1396.96~the Warter Fund ~or $ 2090.98 and the ~later Depasit '~und for $ 4~00 were audited~ approved and order~d paid. ~ No further business appearing and upor~ motio~ the meeting w~~ adjo~nned. ~ ;i Attest t ~ e~ . ! ~ ~ . F y ~ .'~J 1~.1 ~~7~y~+'`../ L L ~/l~l~,~ +j J City Cl~rk ~ ~ayor 4