Minutes 1947-06-04 360 ~ ~ . Arroyo Gr~nde~California ~ Jixne 4~1947 ~ ~ The City eouncil met in r~gular session with 1~ayvr H.R. Phillips presidir~g. Upon roll call Cou~cilmen,Schnyder~Menny~Lierly and Rountree reported present. 'The min~tes of the :previous meet~~tg wer~ r~ad a~d approzrec~ as read. j~he communications ~?er~ read and plaeed on ~ile. Cour~cilman Rountree asked about the curbs and gutters to be put in on West ~amch Street. it was suggested the prop~rt~ owners be notifia8 to have the work done sa the str~et ~ould be resurfa~ed before the wet weather sets in. Couneilman Schnyeler made a motion~seconded by Counci]~an Rcsurr~r~e to adop~ the order eancelltng_taxes on property now deed~d to the Ci ty. Mr Damtnann asked about eZosing the alley running throu~h the~r property and the matter was discussed and several sug~estiori~s wer~ made and The C~ty Attorney Mr Harris said he wau3d wr~.te the A].~hvnzo E.Bell Co. gbout ~he P.C.R/~,again. Mr Dea~ asked about zoning on Valley Road as he had he~d ther~ ~ was to be a welding shop pu~:;in near his property and he Pelt that ~ it would hurt the resident~~I. property.He was told at present there was no zoning Ordinanee ar~d Mr Harris said at present nothir~g coul~. be done by the Cit~ bu~ he might eonsult an attorney on the subjeet~ Mr Edwards reported that he h~d contaeted all the proper~q ownerB who lived: here on Cornw~ll Avenue and faund all fa~tor.able for the sewers.Two owners did not have the money at present but theg were not appos~ng it. The Clerk was to write those ~:ivin~ avv~y from here. ~r Harris suggested that the people have a meetir~ and appo~nt a committee and he would prepare subscription forms to be signed by the property owners. It was reported Mrs Carrie hqosher Hampton would allow the Iat back o~ the D~vis ~a.rage to be used for parl~ing providing a drive- way vvas left to go back to the rear entrance to the :Th~s~tre. A~r ~cCoy w~s asked to check and see how mueh there wo~ld be to park on and ~hen ~et an agreement from Nirs Hampton. The Reereatfon Program was discussed and the Clerk was asked to write Mr James ~T•Barton,Dept of Fducation~askin~ i~' he eould be present at the July 2~ meeting to discuss v~ith them about appointin~ a reerea.tional committee and w~at the ~ity's responsibility ~uouZd be if' ~they appointed them. The Street signs and numbering of the houses wa.s diseussed and the 9treet Supt;said:they were preparing signs tc~ put up at the streets. Couneilma.n Rountree agreed to see the Teen l~ge Graup and see if' something could be arrangedt~°where they would have the projeet o~ numbering all houses. The Cit~~Planning Commissions request for a crosswalk on 14I Highwa.y ~ras discussed and ~r Harris was asked to prepare a Resolutiru~ asking Por a crosswa2k.~ copy then to be for~varded to The State Highway asking their permiss'ion to establish a erosswalk. The Street Supt.was~snstructed to post all lots and natify the owners the lots would have to be cleaned off~ if not the Citg would clean them and eharge the cleaning to ~he owners. It was su~gested A~r Conrad look over the lot on Allen Street ~ an~ see if it would be ~ossible to use it for road purposes wi~th an underpass under the H/~J at Leedham Lane and Cherry ~venue if ~t was necessary. Councilman Rour~tree made a motion~seconded by Counci~mar~ Lierly that Mayor Phillips see if'the City property purehased frc~m WarrAn Bros could be sold for ~ 8tJ40 to $ 10~000~if so it would be put~~~uP ~or bids. A~iscussion on the purchase of a car for the Chief' of Police and Cou3~cilman Rountree made a motion~seconded by eouneilman LiePly that the Purchasing Agent ask Por bids on a new 194? Model car for the Chief of Police. Nir Harris the City .Attorney was asked to prepare the bids ask- ing for bids on the car. The alley between Hearn's ~qarket and the Church property ~1as reported to be needing some work and l~r ~wing was asked to look after the work. 361 ( continued) Mr Harris was asked to prepare a~.eed on the part of lo~ 1~~ which ~~r ~oore left for a street when deeding the property along F~ what is considered to be ~lpi~:e Street~The deed to be signed by Mr a`= ~Ioore, ~r Harris was also asked to get a litigation report on the lo~ deeded to the City by Mr Gibson~if it was needed. Harry Hart,Fire,Chief reported t'A°.e fire dept needed some rew equipment also 300 feet of l~ inch hose and Councilman ~chnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly that the Purchasing Agent put in an orc3er for the supplies. The grading and graveling of' streets was discussed and Mr ~eCoy was asked to eheck on the streets ax~.d see how much could be done. Bills against the General Fund~~~for $ 1t619.1~~the Water Fur~d for $ 1~060.~4 and the Water Deposit Fund for $ 16.00 were audited! aFproved and ord~red paid. No furthEr=~-business a~pearing and upon motion the meetin g was ndjourned. ' _ , r ~4ttest. . ~ - •~~1~.~' ~~d1.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ City Cler~ ~ Mayor~~ ~ ; Arroyo Grande~Califorfiia June 18,1947 The City Council met in regular s~ssion with Mayor Pfiillip~ presiding. ~ Upon roll eall Councilmen Schnyder~Lierly and Rountree repc~rted present.Absent Councilmarr ~Ienny. The minutes of the prev~oczs meeting were read and approved as read. The communications were read and plaeed on file. . I~ was repo~ted tha~~Mr ~olliver of the ''ta~e Aighw~y was~down and looked over the loeations for a crasswaTk and suggested the bes~ ' place would be o~. the south side of Nelson St; and hg had told Mr ~ B~cKenzie he would have the Ii~ crev?r make an isiand when they were down wo~kirig in this area and paint a crosswa.Ik across Bridge St; on the south side of Nelson St;as we11. I~ was suggested the CIerI~ vurite a letter to Mr polliver to inform him the Council had approved ~ _ his sugges~ion and also asking abou~ an ~sland between Rountree's Service Sta~ion and ~he Arroyo Grande Tr~cking Co to ahannel the traffic off' the H,~g~ onto ~est Braneh S~reet. ~ouncilman Rountree reported that he thougfit a street light should be put~~in ~estern Addition where Grand ~venue crosses 'Ehe Halcyan Road and the matter was diseussec~ and the City Limits ~vas on the East side af the HaTcyon Road so a light on the road would be -outside the ~ity. ~Tayor Phillips suggested the Cou~c~l,look over the street light situation in differ~nt localities. The contrct form ~r Harris prepared was read by ~r Ben Cor3rad and after several minor changes was anproved by the C3:~y Couneil. ~r Conrad was to eontact b~r Ha~ris when he had re"turned and they were to set a date for a meetirlg of the property owners.~~r Conrad also talked over the signing oP a contract for surveying and inspect~- ion of the job so that the money to be given by the State could be applied ~'or and he agreed to have a contrae~ and a Resolution prepar- ed for appoin~ing the ~ineer,this was to be~Y~ready for a later meet- ing, Mr Conrad also reportec~ that 3n order to ~et a description for a deed o~ l~lpine Stree-~ i~ would be necessary-to ha~re it surveyed and he was instructed to have the work done. A warrant from the Genera2 r~znd for $ 1~`.00 to replace one le~t in April 1946 was amdited~approved and ordered paid. No forther business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ l ATTEST: ~ ~ j~ ~ ~ ~'ity Clerk ~ May,e~