Minutes 1947-06-18 , 3~~ ( continued) Mr Ha.rris wa:s asked to prepare a~eed on the par~t of lot 14~ whieh Nfr Moore left for a street when deeding the property along what is considered to be ~41pir~e Street~The deed to be signed by Mr ~Ioore, ~r Harris was also asl~ed to get a litigation report on the lot deeded to the City by R~irr Gibson~if it was needed. Harry Har~,Fire Chief reported t'~~e fire dept needed some rew equipment also 3C~0 feet of l~ ineh hose and Councilman ~chnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilma.n Lierly that the Purchasing Agent put in an order for the supplies. The grading and gra~eling of streets was discuss~d and Mr ~eCoy was asked to check:on the streets and see ho~ mueh could be done. Bills against the General Fu~.d-~for $ 1t61q.l~~the Water Fund for $ l~Ob0.54 and the ~~ter Deposit Fund for $ 16.40 were audited~ aFproved and ordered paid. No fur~thPr::business a~pearing and upon motion the meetin g was ^djourned. ' _ ~ , ~ A'tt2St,: ~"I, ~J Czt,y Cler~ ~Iayor ~ ~ Rrroyo Grande~California June 18,1947 The Citq ~ouncil met in regular sessian with Mayor Phillips presiding. - IIpon roll eall Councilmen Schnyder~Lierly and Rountree repc~rt~d present~.Absent Councilmar~ Menny. Th~ minutes of the previous meetin~ w~ere read and appraved as read. The c ommuniti ati ons ~vere reac~ and plac ed on ~i le. I~ was repo~ted that ~r ~olliver of the "'ta~e Highway was dawn and looked over the locations for a erosswalk and suggested the best place would be on the south side of Ne2son St; and ha had told Mr ~IcKenzie he would have the H,~" erew make an ~sland v~hen they were down wo~kirrg in this area and paint a crosswalk across Bridge St; on the south side of Nelson S~;as we11. I~ was suggested the Clerk write a 1'etter to Mr polliver to inform him the ~ouncil had approved his suggestion and also asking abou~ an island between Rountree's Service Sta~ion and the Arroyo Grande ~'i-~cking eo to ahannel the traffic off the H,l~ onto ~'est Braneh S,~reet. ~ouneilman Rountree regorted tha~ he thought a street light should be put°°in ~ester~ ,Addition where CYrand ~venue erosses '£he Halcyon Road and the matter was diseussed and the City Limits was on the East side of the Halcyon Road so a light on the road would be outside the City. ~~ayo~ Phillips suggested the Counc~l,look over the street light situation in different localities. The contrct form ~r harris prepared ~as read by ~r Ben Conrad and after several mir~or changes was ~r~proved by the ~i~y Couneil. ~r Conrad was to contact ~'fr H~ris when he had returned and they were to set a date for a meetir~g of the property owners.~2r Conrad ' also talked over the signi~g of a contr~et for surveying and inspee~~- ~ ion of the job so that the money to be given by the State could be ~ applied for and he agreed to have a contrac~ and a Resolution prepar- ' ed For appoin~ing the ~igineer,this was to be-~wready for a later meet ing. Nlr Conrad also reported tha~ 3n order to ~et a deseription for a deed o~ alpine Stree~ i~ would be necessary to have it surveyed and he was instrueted to have the work done. A warrant from the General rund for ~ 15.0~ to replace one le~t in April 1946 was amdited'approv~d. and ordered paid. No forther busfness appearing and upon mc~tion the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ , . ~ ATTEST: ~'~h.o ~ ~A ~~1.~ rr: , ~ . ~ty Clerk ~ay~..~'