Minutes 1946-07-16 363 - CCbntinued} general feeling the rates should be higher outsid~ the City.No ~efinite acti4n was taken. It was reported that the terms of two of the members of the Planning Com~ission~Mr Briseo and Nir Devereaux would expire the - first of ~iugust and the Council should be ~iving thought ta a*~pointing two members. The condition mf the I.D.E.S. Hall was brought~~to the a~,tentr ion of the Councml as ll~rr Mc~oy had been asked to inspeet the building and condemn it if he found it unsafe. The Couneil agreed the matt~r should be broug~ht to the a.ttention of the City Attorne~r and he should advise us on the proceedure. Bills against the General F~tnd for $1082.92~the Water Fund for $ 15}~~.73 the Water Deposit~ Fund for $ 4.00 and the in come Tax Fund for ~ 249.8~ were auditec~~approvec~ and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ Attest s ~A/ i~• ~Clerk Ma or ~ r and a i f rn a ~ir oyo Gr e~ C 1 o i ~Tuly 16 ,194'~` 'I'~ie City Council met.in regular session with ~Zayor H.R.Phillips presiding. Upon roll call Councilmer~ Sehnyder~l~enny,Lierly and Rountree reported present. The minutes of the previous meeting ~ere read and approned as read. The communications were read and placed on file. - Street lights for Grand ~venme in ~~estern "ddition were discussed and the Clerk reported that Mr Fisher from the P.G.& E. had plaeed an order ~or 3 or 4 lights whiehever were wanted and he said the twa lights for the State Highway had been approved by the Company and the 8tate had not notified them of their approval. ~!r 1~cCo~- reported tha.t bids for 4 foot shoulders on one side of the Valley Road~2030 feet long of 2 inch plant mi~ with taek a.nd sea~. coat were as follows: Nir ~riseo $ 10~Q and Brav~m ~nd Doko for $~1~. Councilman Lzerly made a motion~seconded by C~uncilman S~Iu~yder to accept the bid of B~o~,rn and Doko for $ 715.00 . qfter diseussing the new pump and motor for the we11,Co~zncilmar~ Sehnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilman to order ano~her switch if necessary so bo~h p~.mps-~could be used at the same time. Thursday night July 24,1947 at 8 P.M. wa:s set as a time for the ' meeting with property ovaners of Western Addition to form a Citizents Committee for the collection and handling of the money for the later~.Is for ~.ewers in the West~rn "ddition. W.Nicklas request for a Pa].m R~~ding License was denied. Several members of the Grand Jury ~.nd Citizens of the Cit~ were present to discuss with the Council the passing of an Ordinance against gambling and slot machines. ~Fter quite a diseussion on the subject Councilman Rountree made a mo~ion,seconded by Councilman Lierly to refer the Ordinance to the City Attorney~Mr Harris and the Police Commissioners as a body. Councilman ountree made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly that l~~r Briseo and I:"r Devereaux be reappointe~' to serve on the Plan~ ning ~ommission. Mr Harris agreed to have an Ordinance for curbs and gutter.spec- if~eations ready at the next regular meeting. ~ir E~u~ng w~s instrueted to see that Paul Ralph had lights to plac~ on the gu.tter area~:~~here 'ne uvas working. . l~gayor Phillips reported that ~r I~fatchan had reauested some ~ravel on the street or driveway he had been working by his plaee and Rena and Alp~ne Street both needed graveZ. l~r E~uing report~ed that ~ t had not been possible to get gravel from the County pit for some time. ~ ~'r Paul Gr~ham requested permissior~ to hold a danee each W~dnes- day night in the Cleven~er Ka,ll and he was told to submit a written I, request for a license whic~ ~;~.:.~~reed to do. ' Mr Meken~ie said th~t ll~r ~~enges wanted to take his vacation and asked about someone to replaee him and the Council instructed him to hire a man to re~alace him. On motion of Cou~.cilman Schnyder~seeonded by Cauncilman Lierly the meeting was adjourned to Thursday July 24~1947 at 8 P.~I. for the purpose of ineeting with Western Addition property owners.~ n~ r f t ~t,t2Stkia~,? it.~ ^ACG 1 ' t ~I City Clerk Mayor