Minutes 1947-08-06 'J~~ ~rroyo Grande~C~lifornia ~ugust ~:,~1947 p The City Cauncil met in regalar session with Mayor H.R.Phillips ~residing. Upon roll ~all Councilmen Schnyder~~Ienny and Lterly reported present. Absent Councilman Rountree. The minutes of thP previous meeting were read an~d a correction werc approved. The communications were read and placed on file. Councilman Schnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly authorizing the extra wiring for the installa.tion of the new pump and motor. Councilm~n Schnyder reported that the Police Commis~ion had not had a meeting in reg~rd ta the suggested Ordinance about slot mac~ ines so there was no report from them. RF„S~LUTION 160. Resolution adopting~bud~et and approv~ng memoranclum of agree- ment for ex~enditures of ~ cent ~as tax allocated for S~ate N,i~hways. Passed and adopted by the f'ollowing vote on rq~I c~ll: AYES:Councilm~a Phillips,Schnyder~Lierly and Menny. NC~E'S : None . ~BS~'1~TT: ~ouncilman Rountree. Councilman Schnyder made a motion,seconded by Councilman Lierly authorizing N:ayor Phillips to see about the surveying for street surfacing and curbs and Gutters on west Branch Street. ~ouncilman~Sehnyder reported tha~ the County was going to put ° a seal coat on the Valley Road from the south City Limits to the steel bridge and he suggested the ~ity get them to put seal coat on th2 C~ty~s ~ortion from Highway 101 to the south ~ity limits~ the eity to pay for the oi].and Iabor. Councilman Lierly made a mot~,on~seconded by Councilman N~enny authorizing the work to be done« : RESC~Lr3TSON # 161.. A resolution to add the folloeing streets~to the list of Streetsa~ . Najar'Importances Tally - Ho Road~Grand~Cornwall and Walnut ,~venues. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Coune~lmen Phillips~Schnyyder~Lierly and Menfly. ~ NOES: 1~Tone . `Absent: Couneilman Rountree. ~Ir Burrell was present to see about the ~chool crossing ~u.ard ~ for the comin~ school year and aII agreed that the amorznt ~`sa~.b~ ~ paid for guard should be raised. The Chief of Police wa.s asked to . see if he could find someone suit.able for the job and Nir Harris su~gested if it was not possibl~ to ~et a man for the job it might be possible to get a womanto takea~t. The matter of ab~nc~onment of tNhiteley Street from the creek to Branch Street and Tally-Ho Street from Branch Street to Le Point ~treet was discussed and I~Ir Harris a~reed to prepare ~he papers for the'notice. The sub-division of Mineau and~Loomis jmst outside the City was dise~~sed in regard to allowing them t~ connect with the City Sewer system . I~~r Ewing asked about having the motor changed in V8 #1 and was told to have the work done. Bil1s against the General Fund for $ 1315.31~the Water Fund for $ 11'79.01 and the Water deposit Fund for $ 8.04~were audited~approved and ordered paid. Mr Derr~ann's request for the caneellation of aJuly water bill for ~ 2.00 was discussed and it vuas agr~ed by the Council that the bill should be paid as the met~r v~r~as installed May 28 and no charge made for the portion of June bill. RTo further business appearing and the meeting ~a:s adjourmed until l0 ~t.M. Monday ~ugust 11~1947. 7 ' i ~~l,F. ~ ~y ~ . ~ttest:~.a . F~,,,~~ ~'h. a ~ ft , City Clerk Ma o