Minutes 1947-08-11 366 ~ ;~4.rroyo Grande~California ~ August 11,1947 ~ The City Council met in an adjotzrned session with Mayor~H.R.. ° Phillips presiding. Upon roll call Couneilmen Menny~Lierly and Rountree repor~ed present ,~ouncilman ~chnyder arriv~:ng later. ~i discussion on how much money would be needed on the streets of major importance and it wa5 agreed to ask for ~ 2700.00 in the Gas Tax Budget. ~r Shaeffer~s request for some grading on Faeh Street and on one block of ~lpine between t~alntzt a~.d Faeh was discussed and it was agreed to have the men run the grader thr~ugh and spread a little gra~rel when it was possible to get the gravel. It was agreed to hire a loader and the necessary trucks to gravel ~iena,and portior~s of Alpine and Whiteley Streets ar~d some on the little street in back of n~atehan's. Councilman Lierly l~ade a motion,seconded by CouncilmanRountree instrueting the Clerk to write the Weste~"n ~,ddit; on propert,y o~ners~• living away from here about the money for the sewer I~teraYs. The water Ordinance was discussed and it was agreed the Ordi- nance should be amended or a new one written.The charge for thase being outside the ~ity was to be razised to $ 2.~~ mintzmum for 1004 CU.FT. per month and all over the 1000Tcu.ft.at 15 e~nt~ per 100 ft. Also those living outside the City Iimits were to pay for pipe and fittings to install the meter,the City to furnish meters and spuds, It was agreed the High School and Cemetery should b~ ~aised from 8 cents per 1~0 eu.ft. ~0 10 cents per 100 cu.ft. No further business appearin~ and upon motion the meeting was ad journed. ~ ' . . • s:~y ~ ~ n ~,ttes~: ~ ~ . City C1Prk ayor ,