Minutes 1947-08-20 36~ ~rroyo Grande~California August 2~,1947 The City ~ouncil met in regular sessiort with Mayor H.R. Phillips presiding. Upon roll eaZl Councilmen ~chnyder~l~enr~y and Lierly report ed present. The minut~s of the prev~ous meeting werc read and aFproved ' as read. A party who was considering the purehase of some land from Mr ~~Del~ on Halcyon Road was present to see about getting water to the property in case he bought it. He was told he would have to furnish his own line but there ~vas no definite action taken on the matter. Mr E~ing asked about allowing the County to paison snuirrels inside the City and Councilman ~chnyder made a motion~seco~ided by Couneilman Lierly giving them permission to do the v~~ork. l~r Ewin~ asked about getting information a:bocxt a new mast~r meter from Sparling and was told to get the informatio~: and see what they would allow for the one we have at present. ~ Mr Ewing a~sked about hiring a man to help with eleaning up the streets and after some discussion Councilm~n Lierly made a moticsn~seconded by Couneilman ~chnyder to see about hiring or renting equipment ~ith a man to do the sweeping. R~OLUTI~N~ 162. RESOLUTIQN OF INTF~tTIOAT TO ORDER THF CL4aIRTG OF ~i PORTIC}N OF tNFiITELEY ST~REET ~.NI) ~`.LLY ~ HO STREET. Passed a~td adapted by the following roll cal~. vot~: :~YES:Couneilmen Phillips~S~hnyder~ ~~enny and Lier~. NOES: None. !~BSENTs Councilman Rountree. I~~ayor Phillips asked about the letters to be mailed to the ~ property o~mers ~bout the sewers and Mr Harris said he had pre- pared the form for the letter~ and the letters w€~uld be~:~mailed out right awa.y. He also reportea ~hat he had ~alked with l~~r Shaeffer about the sewers and N~r Shaeffer wished to eonfer with I~.r Conrad before replying and ~[r Harris ~as to arrange a meeting with them as soon as Mr Conrad returned. Harry Hart,Fire Chief asked about the City takin~ care of a bill for some printing for the Fire Dept;whieh amoun~ed to about ~ 35•00 and Councilman Sc~znyder made a motion~seconded by Council~ man Lierly to have the bill paid. A reeess was deelared for the purpose of taking up the Boa~d of Fqualization. The Board reconvenes as a Board of Trustees for the purpos~°: of setting the Tax Rate for the yea~ 1947 - 48. ~fter due deliber- ation ~nd upoM motior~ it was decided to s~t the Tax Rate as followss General Fund ~ 1.00 ~ Sewer Bond Fund $.~0 and the Capital=:0utlay Fmnd for ~.l0~the total Tax R~~e to be $ 1.20 per $ 100.00 of assessed valuation~ which is deelared to be the Tax Rate for the Current Y~ar 1947 - 48. Bi11s against t~e Special Gas Ta~c Stree~ Improvement Fund for $ 60~.5~ ~nd the General Fund for $ 17~3.76 were audited~ a~proved and ordered paid. No further busine_-=s appearing and upon motio~i t~.e meeting was adjourned, ! _ Attest: w ~'y~,~' l~~~~~~=~~ ~ rn~ ~