Minutes 1947-10-15 371 Array~ Grand~~California C~ctober 15~194~ The City Counczl met in regular session with Mayor H.R.Phillips presiding. Upon roll ca.ll Councilmen Schnyder~ll~enny and Lie~ly reportec~ present.Absent Couneilman Rountree. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ~.nd approved as read. ~i'he comLnunications vrere read and placed on file. 1Nr Shaeffer~ s inquiry as to vahen the City would run the ~;rader over the streets in t~~estern Addition w~s discussed and PFr ~win~; said he ~vould have it done at once. The co~ ~unication from the t~lomen's Club rec~u~stin~ the Council IyAembers to be present at a meetin~ to be hel~ ~ctober 16~to discuss recreational needs v,ra.s discussed and severa.l members of the ~ity Council a~reed to attend. ~'vir ~ewsom , IY'~r ~akeman and several other property ovJners east of town were present to see if there was anythin~ to report about . ~'e+,,ting water out there, they were told we still h~d not been able to locate any ~ipe. The matter ~rras more thorou~hly discussed and several su~gestions v~Tere made as to where we mi~ht be able to a~et soMe pipe. The County had ree~uested a meter for ~rrater to be used on Grand ~venue and it vras agreed to allow them the v,ra.ter rree. 11+'r Ewing reported it v~~ould be necessary to loti~er some of the water lines on Grand Ave. l~~r ~r~ing reported on prices for ~-r~vel and the loadin.~ of ~ravel for t3ne stre?ts and the matter v~ras referred to the street cor~,.mittee for further discussion. ~ouncilman ~chnyder made a motion,seconded by ~ouncilman ~ierly that 141r ivlenges the nightwatchman be ~iven le~;~l notice of dismissal as of the 31st of ~etober. R:~~ULli°iI0T1 # 168. ~ESC~LUTIOI~T OF THE CITY COtJP?CIL OF Z'ri~' CITY OF :~RRt3Y0 GRAI!?DE? COL1T?TY OF S.~.N LUIS OBISPO~STATE OF C~.LIFORNIA~REI~P,TIVE TO THE SaLE ~F C ;~~T.~IN ~EAL 1~ROPERTY. Passed and adopted by the following_rolZ call vote~ AYES: Councilmen ~'hillips~~chnyder~1•ienny ~nd Lierly. NGr~S : None . ~BSr;NT: Counc ~ lman ~o~;?ntree. ~.~r H~rris renorted he still had not been able to contact two of the pror~erty ownzrs ab~ut the sev~Yers in ~Vestern riddition~but that ~ir Houser had a~reed to pay and the Council agreed to leave the matter open ti,l next meeting for a final decision. R'o further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ~aas ~djourned. Fx} ~ i ; Attest: /!~l~,o .~~..Q ~'1. ,~('~:?.c,l%I~^ ~ ~ ''r ` City Clerk ~ l~iayn ~ ;