Minutes 1947-11-19 3'73 r.~_.,.~._~___~. ; Bills a~~.inst the General, Fund for $2,886.74; the ~'~ater Fund for $1,843.3~~ ~nd the alater ~eposit Fund for $16.00 wer au~.it- ed~ aprroved an~ ordered paid. Arroyo Grande~California 1~?ovember 10~1947 A~pecial meeting was held for a report from the Committee on the cleaning out of the creek. Present vaere Councilmen Lierly~It2enny and Rountree f'rom the City Council and Mr Poole from the Committee appointed by l~~ayor Phil3ips The matter was discussed and Councilman Rountree made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Lierly that 1~2r Poole supervise the work and rFr Cardaza v~~as to be h~red for a few days to do the vaork. ?~?o further business a~pearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ . f Attest: ~ ~ ~ / ~ Deputy C.ity Cler Arroyo Crande~California ' aovemr~er 19 ~ 1q4~ The City Council. met in re~ular session vrith h~ayor h.R.Phillips presiding,u~on roll call Councilmen Schnyder~~~enny~Lierly and Rountree reported present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and arpro~red>as read. CoLnmunications were re~.d ~.nd placed on ~ile. Councilman Rountree reported the cleaning out of the creek had been done by R!Ir Cardoza. Resolution 170 ~,~.s discussed and it was decided to hav:e the ~top sign. at the S'~^I eorner of nTelson & Mason moved to the SE corner of 1tFason and ~Telson Street and try it .out. ?~E'SOL~JTI~N 172 Resolution before the City Council of the C?ty of Arroyo Grande to appoint I~Ir Ben Conrad as the authorized agent of the City of Arroyo;Grande on tne trunk line and laterals for the seVrer in !"~este~n Addition. Passed and adopted b;~ the following roll'eall vote: AY~T~S:Councilmen Phillins~Schnyder~l:~enny~Lierly and Rountree. ~ r?oes: None. ABS~T: PTo~ie. It was movEd and seconde~. that ~.~r Conrad be authorized to pre- ~are advertising for contracting for bids for construction of the outfall and laterals for the ~°'estern Add.ition Sewer. Councilman Schnyder P~ade a motion,seconded by Councilman Lierly ~uthorizing T:~~ Harris to have ~11 t~xes on the City property can- celled. ~'he bids were opened on the lots to be sold by the City,~nd the bids on Lot 6 on ~,~ason Street were as follo~vs: $ 40I..00 by E.Renshavr and ~ 550.00 from r.:~r ~.C~.Hurimel. ~Zayor Phillips asked if there was anyone present wishing to raise the bid 5% oP more ~nd there were several bids and the Lot ~^~as sold to th.e highest bidder Pa2r ~.O.Hummel for $ 750.00. The bids on tne portion of Lot 24 in !~'loods Addition on Allen St; , were $ 652.OC~ from E.Rensnaw and from P~~r J.C~.Hummel $ 750.00 . r~iayorG~~ asked if anyone wished to rait e the bid 5~ or more and T~~r L.A. Brisca ra~sed the bid to 7R7.50. Councilman Lierly made a motion~seconded by Councilman Schnyder to ti^~ithdraw the Lot on Allen Street from the sale and re j ect all bi~.s . The laying of the transite pipe vaas discu.ssed and Tl~r T"cCoy was instructed to get bids and if possible c~ll s~ecial meeting. I4~.r Linstrum ~skea the City to get an ~ncroachment permit from the State High~~ray for a pipe line for vrater tc L"r Robison~ s place ~outh of town.Councilm~an ~ountree made mot~on~seconded by Counc~l- man Lierly instructing the City Clerk to make ~~plication for the permit. 11~~r Dammann's request to close the alley through his property w~s denied and P."r Harris re~orted he vras proceeding tiPVith the Condemn.ation i of the P.C.Right of !:Jay. ~ ~Rr ??arris read the C!rdi.nance relative to sev~~er hookups for the first time ~.nd it v~~s ~?ought to be s~tisfa.etory. , ~ ~74 (corTTrr~7:~) R"ineau and Loomis ~.~.Tere to be notified to be present at the next meeting to discuss the annexation of their property to the eity. r"r T,?cCoy ~^ras instructed to purc?~_~se 6 more fire hydrants and it Vras su~~ested to ca11 the C~.mps ~nd see if there vTere any to be sold by the Camps. A number of pro~ert~r ov,mers mere present to discuss the or~ening of a. contintza_tion of Rena Street in `:'destern Addition and they were told they v~aould ha_ve to be surveyed~~-raded and €;ravellecl~.nd then turn-' ed over to the City. . 2To further business =~,~~pearing and upon motion the meeting was ~djourned. F Attest:~, " t~, , yr~r~,f~,~ tf"' t '~1 .~1 p . . L ~ City C er -1"ayor~ Arroyo Grande~Galifornia Dec ember 3 ~ lg4'] The City Council met in regular session with Itiayor H.R.Phil~ips presiding. TTpon roll call Gouncilmen Schnycier~PyRenny~Lierly and Roun- tree re~aorted r~resent. The minutes of the previous meeting v~~ere read and a:~proved as re~d. ihe communications were read and ~laced on file. rouncilman Rountree asked for Police of~'icers to close a x~ortion of the main street for the Xmas C~pen House ~?arty on ~'rida.y evening~ ~ecember 7, Police Chief ~cKenzie v~as to ?sk T;r Ha.c~ler anc~ l~~~r F~.mancls to help out. ,~.`r R.L.P~?ineau anpeared to ~et information ~bout having the ~lineau . and Loomis Subdivisi.on brou~,'ht into the Ci~y. iY~e matter w~s discuss- ed and he a~reed to have a letter in before the next me~tin~. R ~~'C~L,t?TICA? ~ 17?, 4~t;r^ZTTTIOI~T C`F T?sT GIT~.' CC`T._Tl`?CIL C`F THF CITY C~F Ax???OYC~ CR4T?D~'~ CC~I??`T1'Y OF S.~T? Lt?IS OT3I~PC~ ~STATE OF C<? LIFORNIA' ?~?^I~TIVE TC~ rI'HF S~ L~' OF C'~~.'~ ~ I'~I R~L PRCP~TY. Passed and ~dopted by the follovain~ roll call vote: A~'E~:Councilmen Phillips~Schnyc~er~P.Tenny~Lierly ~2 Rountree. n?C ~S : iTo n e . ARSrT'l: TTone. I,"r ~"1M.L~7TIes tivas present to discuss the laying of transite pipe and ~.fter discus~sion Councilm~n Rountreem~c~e a motion~seconded by Councilr~an Lierly to a~~Jard Trr ~`nn . Lyles tre Gob of layin~ ~ome of the pine up to the amount of ~ g00. It ~~:Tas reported th~t the swin~ing brid~e needed repairs and also ~ ~ cu~_vert on Clarence ~'~venue neec~er~?. re?~airs.i~~ ~v,,~ir~ v~as instructed to look after the sv~lin~ing brid~;e and order a_culvert for Clarence A~re. Pb~r '~,1~ving asked ~vhere they wanted the 4 inch transite pipe tied in ~nd ~~as instructed to tie in on `;~','hiteley and ~Telson Streets. T:."r McCoy reported that P:"r ~~tkinson U~ho bou~'ht the Assembly of Cod property ti~ished ta remodel the building and tear down the ~~.rt in the ba_ek. The Council agreed to al? ow the work if it ~r~~ s done accord- in~ t~ the Code. The Planning Corimission's rec~uest for the City Gouncil to adopt the Santa r~,aria. rarbage Ordinance v~~s discussed and the Crd. vaas read and discussed. The ~doption of the Uniform ~'lectrical Code va~s discussed but no action taken. Councilman Schnyder ~sked about having P.Tr Lyles lay the 4 inch ~~1~.ter line on AZ;~1T1E from Gr~.nd Avenue to tlalnut Street and cut in on the 8 inch line at Corn~^~all ~^a~s discussed. It vras agreed the v~rork should be done so the fire h,ydrants could be ins~alled. iTo ~'urther Y~usiness ~ppe~ring and upon motion the meeting v:~a.s ~djourned. , ~ ~ ~ ; ~,~.t ~ ly TT'~ T : . ~L' ~.c ~ ~ ~r City Clerk 1!~ay~r Arroyo Grande~California December 16 ~ Ia4'7 The City Council met in a~p~cia.l %~eeting fer the purpose of having more of the transite pi~e laid. Present were ~~?ayor ~=hillips,Cc~uncilmen Schnyder,r~enny and Rountree. Councilman Schnyder m~de a motion,seco~ided by eouncilman Rountree to authorize $ 900 more of the work to be done. TTo further business appearin~ and upon motion tr~e~,meeting was adjourned. . f ~'ti Attest ~ ~ ~ • A . .L ~~s" , City Clerk ~ t ~Zay r