Minutes 1948-01-07 376 ~ _ ( Continued) ~7 ~~~yor ~hillips was askEd to contact 1~7r Deal about auditing the ~ City books. R~^SOLL?TIO1~T ~?C. 176 _ A~'E~QLUTI4IV~ to r~.ise the minimum price for water outside the City of ~rroyo Grande from ~ 2.~0 per month to ~fi 2.5~ per month 112inimum for 1000 cubic f~et ~ starting with the ~,Tanu~-rY bills . ` Pas~ed~-and adopted by the following roll call vote: R~TF.~ : Counc ilmen Phi llips ~ Schnyder ~ 1~"enny ~ Li erly and Rountree : I"~ES : None . ABS^~?T: 1C~one . Couneilman Schnyder made a:motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly instructing the clerk to notify the Arroyo Grande City Planning Commission that the City Council had accepted their suggestion to continue Grand ~4venue on into the G'ity. :~lso to refer the matter to the City Planning Commission for camplete investigation and report as to feasible cost e~e. . T?o further busin~ss a~~pearing and upon motion the meeting vras adjourned. , ~ 1~~ ~ f ' , : ~i tt e s t : '~t"~1 lt~=~k~l~-- , , ` , Arroyo ~r~nde,Californ~.a ~ '~nu~,<rY 7 ~ ? Q4P, The C~ty Council r.±et ~.n s°e~ula.r se~sion ~~~ith T~R=~yor ?-~.R. Phillips presidin~.TT~om rol~ ^all CounciZmen Schnyder~I~'enny :~.nd ~ ~:ierl,y r ~~-orted ~?~esent. Absent Councilm~n Rountree. I'he minutes oi the praviou~ m~etin~s v,rere read ar~d an~roved ~s re~d. ~I'he co:~municat~ ons ~.~ere re-~d and pl~.ced on tile. 1~:?ayor Phi~? ips rebort~d he hc.id cont~c ted ~{r Deal ~nd he ~•;ould be v~illin~ to ~~ccept the Auditors ,`ob~h~~~rever he said at ~he present time ne vvas v~ry busy and s~~ould 1~e until spring. The bid from th~ ?lnion Cil Co to ~'urn'; sh ~;asoline to the City ~'or the comin~ ye,~r vv as opened and Councilman I~ierly ~rade ~ moti on ~ s ec on ~_ed by Counc z_lman I~~Ienny to acc ept the bid of ~.,.89 ~?er ~~::~1 on "'76~' Ga~~oline. ~ `I'here G^~~ere no v~mitten bids on the R0.5 ft of Lot 24 0~' the `;`;"ood ~ s!~~!d' n~nd P,?~~ynr Phillips asked if' ~nyone present wished to ~lace a bid on the Lot. 1':r S.'~'~'.Denison bid ~ 100C~ and t~ere v~ere no 'ur~ther bids so ~he lot ~raa~ sold to ~~r Denison. ~ ~ ~~GLI?TI C`TT 17? R~rC`LT?iIC"`T ~:?1`iNnRI~IP'G TL?'~ ~ S~L C'~ ~.;;r 0~`PIC~I~T 0~ LC`T 24 0 i ' 7~ OD' S:~'.D? TT : C' T.'R S. i~"J . D'~ ~ I~" C`N. Passed amd ado~ted by the follo~rrin~ roll ca~l vote: Av~S:ro _r.c ~ 1~ ~n Phi? ~ ibs~~chnyder~P:enny' ~xnd Lierl,y. T~n ~ : f•To n e . ~ ~c^TTT: C~~_~r:c; l~~an_ ~1'~l~ntre~ . T'Tr ~,,~ir~- a~Yed about ~~~=~v~rr- th=~ ~'it*,r's truc?~s ~~.inted and ~_"Zer ~~~er so~e discucsiorl it ~=a.~ decid.ec~ to h~ve ~,ne vaork done. `~'he n irr~~~ ~~~_te-r ~~r~e ~'or il~in~ ~treet from rrand to ti'a,.nut ~~~~as wi~c~.zs~ed ~r.d it v~ar a~-rQed to h=~,ve P"r '.''.r,~.Lyles Co ~roceed v~~•~~ th th~ v~~ork ~~nd Y~~_ve ~ate v~lves ~ut in. ~ notice ~v~ts to be r.~.:t ~n thP loc~l p<:~~er th~t the ~~rater v~ould be sti~~~zt off. T°a_t; or P'~:illips ~Y~~?oint d Co,_incilr.ien ~chnyder and Lierly to ; tuc?~ the ~~r~~ ~~e ordi_r_~nces ~nd ~~_lso the ti~ra.ter schedules. ri lls inst the reneral H und. for $~~l ~ 675.6 the ~~'~ater Fu~d ~or ~ 2~~12.'7+" ~t ze `;~~ter ~eposit ~und for ~ 4.00 ~nd the Income Tax r^und for 267.OC vaez~e alzdited~~~nproved ~nd orc~ered p~aid. rTo furt~~er busir_ess ~~~r~earin~ ~~_nc~ uX~or motion the meeting ~ras ~-dR~~ourned. ~ ~ ~ r`'- ~ ~f " I' ~ A`LT~Ts l2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,i > ~ ~ City Cl~rk h" .~ror