Minutes 1948-02-04 378 ~ ~ Arrayo Grande~C~l:ifornia ~7 r ebru~_ry 4- ~ 1948 ~ `IThe City Council met in re~ular session v.rith Mayor N.R. Phillips ~?residin~,u~?on ro~l call Councilmen Schryder~T~~enny ancl ~ountree reportec~ ~?resent.gbsent Counc~ ~_TM!Qn Lierly. rI'he minutes of tne previous me~ting ~aere rea_d and approved as read.Communications ~,ere reaa a_nd ~laced on file. F;~rs. 1,.C.Loomis was r~resent to ask ~bout her claim f~_r dam- ~~es froM the City for the,~~~e done from the overflow t~f the seG^~er at her °,~ace. P~~r Harr s e haa not l~oked into the matter ~ut a.~reed to takf~ care of it ~.t once and ~^~ould report to the Council in ~ fev~ days. Couneilman ~'ountree made a motion~seconded by Councilman Schnyder to table the matter until the rez~ort was received. from tY~e Cit~,* A~torney. ~ Pon Sh~ffer reportec~ the rity Pl~~nning Cor_1mis~ion ~~~ould like to m~et ~-~~th the Cit,y C.ouncil to discuss ~he different phases of annex,~tior to the City by the reople of Fair Oaks and Grand l~ve; t~P di~'ference in electric r:~:tes and insur~_nce v,~~s to be looked int~. It ~~.~s a~r~ed to meet ?t the Citv :~lall Tuesday ~'ebru~ry 10, ? ~ ?t 7.?e P.r~;~. . R _~OLTJ`?'IOTT ~ 17~? ?~JSOLt?iIC~l~T C~r T~?T CITY COi?~TCIL QF THF CI1Y OF A_R.~'OYC? r?~~~'?J ~,C~UTT`l'Y Or TT LUI;~ OBI~PO R~LqTIVE A~fi'~TIOI~ {~F C~~.TAI~T UrTIt~:!~-L~.~?IT~ TE'~.RITORY TC? THE CITY C~F :~.RROYO r?~Al`?DF . ~ Passed and adopted b~r the following roll call vote: ~Y"S.S: Councilmen Phillips~5chnycler~r:"enny and ?~ount~ee. TTG~ ; l~?one . Absent: Councilman Lierly. PvTr ~ving asked ~bout ~etting P~~r Turney to check the wirin~ at the numps and he ~^:~.s instructe;d to h~.ve the ~rror.k c~one. ~ie also asked ~bout la,yin~ vvater lines on rTuebner ~nd ~miteley Streets and Councilrnan :~?ountree made a_ mo~tior~,seconded by Couneil- F~ienny instructin~r him to have the vJOrk done.T.`r ~rr?_n~f next asked a.bo~_zt h~vin~ T.~r Lvles n~en help ~~at in t~ e culvert on Cl~.renc e Avenue and he ti~:as told to proceed ~~rith the ~~ork. Councilm~.n ~ountree m~.de =7. motion~seconded by Councilman ~'enny to e~ncel $ 2.C~0 of the December bill of' P:Rrs Jessie Schultz. It ~^t~s reported P~?r ruy Stewart ~~~rished to resi~n from the City Plannin~- Commissian ~nd the Clerk vras instructed to cont~ct him and ask him to h~ve the re~i~nation filed. Bills a~-ainst the General r und f~r ~ 25'18 .74 ~ the t~ater Fund for ~ 1675.27 and the `:"Jater Deposit r und for $ 20.00 v~ere audited~ a~proved and ordered paid. `I'he purch~sin~- ~?~r~nt Gvas instruete~: to ~lace another order ~"or 4 inch transite pip~. ?~?o further business a~z~earing and unon motion th~ meeting . - .s~,,,._ ,d"....~ was ~.djourned. , , ATT~T: ~ City Cler T;:a_,y r ~.rroyo Grande~California February 10,1948 There vYas an informal meeting of the City Council and the City Plann~_n~ Cor~mission `~~-ith all Council P~Zembers present and €rom the Flanning Commission Don Shaffer~Ralph Bennett,~"~~atlde Dever~aux~R.F`.Karr~.s ~Ben Conr~d r~nd C. ~`J.Pa~~eCoy. `;;m.Taylor vvas present to disetiss insura_nc~ rates inside and out of the Ci~ylimits ~.nd some comparisons were made on the saving if' the property were inside the City limits.P;~r Ben Conrad ~;ave ~vera~e costs on ~anit~ry,~'ire~Li~hting and water dis~ricts and said the ~vera~e cost was ~round ~~.45 plus L.11 on Interest and ponds makin~ total of ~ 4.56 ne $100 ssessed valuation~~:rid s~id it vaould be as ~dvantageous or rr~~e s~ to ~;et the same through the City if the~r c~me into the City Limits. ue also g~ve a rough idea of the v~lu~~ions of improvements and ~cre~~e on that area vahich was bein~ discussed and reported there h~d been 56 new homes built in 194~. The extension of Grand avenue int~ the 1Q1 High~r~y was dis- cussed and ~everal of the Council expressed themselves as favor- i able to the extension. ~To f urther business appear2ng and ur~on mc~.~ the meeting r~1a.s~d j ourned. : ~ " ~ ~'~~`t,~: ~Zl~ ~Yt . ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ rn