Minutes 1948-04-20 383 ~ "~,rro~ro C'r~nde ~ Ca-lifornia April ?Q~1g48 The Cit~r Council ~et in s~eci=~1 ses~ion ti°~rith ~T^.yor Phill~ps l~r~s-~ding.Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder and ~,ountree re~orted pre~ent._~bsent Councilmen Lierly and ircenny. The ~urpcse of the s~ ecial meetin~ ~r:ras °or tne purpose of , c:;_nvassin~, the ret~zrns of' the General ~iunieipal ~lection held 4nri1 13~194~. ~.fter a cam~ass of tne votes the clerk presented the follovain.g resolution: ~~QLTJTIO~,T 1~4 I I~? T'-i ~ CO'.1TTCIL ^F i~?T CITY C?r^ ~'?~OYC` !~"?~~A?`?D ~~'"TA'L~, '~`F C a~LIFC`~?I,A~ ~~~CUJTIO~T :J ,CLiRI~TG ~~TJLT C~F ~L~CTIO?~?. ~-:~~=.aya ~enex~al I.:unici~al Jlection v~ras ~~eld in the Clty of ~ ~rroyo Gran~e ~ on 'iuesuay April l~th~ 1~ 4~ a_s requir°ed by lava~ li ?~i~ `,'u3~R'~'~5~ it a~pears t"=~t notice o~~ said election vtras duly ~ and le~al~y ~iven9 tha+ votin~ ~~-recincts ~niere properl,y e~tablished~ that election o~~~'~'icers J~ere aY,pointed _~nd eleetion supplies furn- ' ished~~nd th~~ in ~:~I1 respects said elec+.,ion w~s ~~ield ~.nd con- ' ' ducted -~nd tne voteti c-~st th~:~ eat received ar~a c:~nva:~sed~and the ' x~et~arns thereef ma~~.e ~na decl-~red ir tirLe~form and r~arner ~_s req- ~~ired by l~w of sixth class Cities. Ai~i~ "J~-T_ ~R.i;AS ~ the Council of said City met at the Council C,hariber there~t on Tuesday tyle ~.~Oth day of ~pril 1g48?to c~_nv~_~s the retur~s of said election~and install the nev:~l_y elected officers~~~,.rd h aving :,anva~~se.;. 5~_id r~talns~tne Co~.~nc:i~ iin~.s tciat the nuMber or votes c?st~tY~le n:~mes o~' t,~e persons voted for~and other matters required b~~ l~.v~T~to be a~ he~.~einar~er ~~tn.tec~~r~o~~°~ therP-'ore I?' ~F :C~L~r'-~J ~as f'o~ lov;s s That s-~~.id ~~neral ~~".unieipa_l :^lection T~~-~s 1_eld,~~nu condu~::zed ir.i t:~~e Ci ~y of Arroyo rxranGeor~ ~~aesday the 1~th day oi ~'~~>ril l~?48 ~ in tiMe ~ form and m~nner as rec!uired by Ia~~r~ t?~at t~~ere ~:~as one votirlg ~reeirlet established ,"or the purpose of holdin said election consistin~ or a c~arcolid~_tion of the re~ular electi~n preeircts ~s+.~.blished ror the nolr~in~° of reneral St~te and Co~anty :~'~lections -is ~'o~lo~rrs: ~ 'Consolidat~d Frecinct a)comprising State ~~nc3 ourty Prec~ncts _,Tumbers One~Tv,to :~.nd T=nree~and the voting ~lac e tnereof ~^ras the Ci.ty Hall. That tr~e ~~~i~~le number of' votes c~tst in ua_ici Gity ~^.~as 3~;~~th~t the n~~r~~es of the persons voted for~the o~.~a ices for ~^:hich they ~vere vcted,the n~ir~iber a`~ v~tes ~iven in e~c~~ precinct to each of s~id ~ersons to~ether ~~;ith t~~e y:ho? e n~_~mk~er cf votes ti~.r~~ich they received in ~he entire CitSr ~re as fc1_lov~rs : TTar!e o`' z,ersons voted for ~ ~fotes ?-?erbert Phi _.lips Coun.c ilman ~'~a,1 ~i erm ~ ~ rred '~:'~,i~Cla~k r, rr ~ ~Q~ ~ ^orc~on ~.Dixscn rt rr ~~o ~ L. i'3. L~ erly rt rr ri I04 ~ . ~~'~u'r~T'ey P.?ia.lfid~c r~ rt r~ Z~~ '~~d~a T_',.~c'rsi~lin~ ~'ity Clerk " ?,I4- . ~ I'orris O. ,P.r~~e,~~ Treasurer rr rr ~4 f '~dna Schil'ling' ~ ~r n r~ Z t"ubert Sti^,~a~tout ~~:r. r~ r~ ~t ~ ~ ran~ T?osc~? r, r~ r~ 1 `~ay L;znd{~ren Fr r~ rr I "`eti^rell Strother r~ rr n 1 '_?alnh Benn~tt " 'r " 1 :<osebud « 1 _~~S~Lti'_'~Ji?~;.?~F`CR~~ tnat r_t said C"Tener~l ~"unici_~al ~lection~ ~Terbert R.Phi~lips ~vas ~lected Councilman o~' the City of Arroyo rr~nde ~'or the z"ull terr_: of ~'ol.lr years. qlso ~ th_a ~~rP~. r~ ark ~~~ias e~ected Co~zncilr_~an Qf s~ id City for the full ter: of four ye~rs. Also~that Gordon F.Dixson v~as elected Councilman of said City for the full terr~i of f~ur ~-e~rs. .~lso t7iat A.rrs na P.~.Schil? ing v.~~s elected City C1~rk o~ the said City~for 't?~e~~ful t~rm. of feur years. ~ .?.1so~~,t~~a~~ ~1b~~is O.Pri~a~~ss v;~s elected City Treasurer of srj.ic~ City fof the fulZ term of four ;Tea,~s. The Cit~• Clerk shall ~~,mediately m~ke ~nd deliver to each of such persons elected~a certyficateof election~si~ned by him and duly authenticated~ne sha11 imr~ose the constitutional oath of office and have them subscribe thereto ~ ~vhereupon t'~ey shall be inducted into the respective o~"fices to v~~hich t~ey have been eleeted. 384 ~ ~ (Cortinued) ~ ~ I~the unc.ersi~med hereby certify that the fore~~ing Resolution ~ vvas duly and re~ularly introduced ~_ncl =~dopted the Council of" the City of '~rro o~rj~nde ~t a spec~al meeting held on the 20th day oi ~~ril 194~~~by the follo~~~aing roll cail vote: AY~S:Councilmen Fhillips~uchnyder and Rountree. PTC?~ : "Tone . A~S~-~~TT:Councilmen Lierly and T;?enry. In testir~ony whereof I have hereunto set my Yiand •~nd ~-"fixed the official seal of the sa.id City,this 2Cth day of Apri19194~. , Clty Clerk ; ~To ~urther ~usiness appearing the old ~3oard does now adjourn. ~ ~ to ~:P~..~.~- ~~1- ~J ~ City':~Cler~ Ar~royo Grande ~ California April 2C~1Ga8 ?Jpon ~djournr~ent of tY~e old Bo~.rd~the new Board was called to orc~er by the Clerk. On roll call Councilmen Phi~li~s,Schnyder,~ountree~Glark ~nd Dixson reported present. Cn motion o~' Councilman Schnyder~seconded by Councilman Clark Councilman Philli~s ':':'as appointed teMpor~ry Chairman. - Chairman Phillips then called for nominations for ~~ayor~the name of H.R.Phillips ~~~s placjd in nominat'on,and on motion of Council~r~an Schnyder~~econded by Councilman Fountree he v~~as unanim- ously elected r~Tay~r. ~ ihere was a~eneral discussion of different subjects and P~?ayor Phillips appointed the follo~r~ing Committees: Police and ~ire~ Councilm~n Clark~Dixson and Rountree. ~'inanc e ~ Councilmen Schnyder and Rountree. Streets and To~rrn Praperty, Coun.cilmen Dixson~Schnyder and Cl~rk. `~';!ater Department ~ Councilmen ~.ountree~Dixson and Clark. ~?o further business appearing and upon motion the meeting vras adjourned. ~ y~ r ^ Attest:*i~fit,4_ ~L_~'~_~ - City Clerk ~"a U 384 ~ ~ ( Continued) ~ ~ I~the un~ersi`7n~d hereby certify that the fore~~ing Resolution was duly and re~ularly introduced a_nd =~dopted the Council of the Cit of '~rro o~r~Gnde ~t a s ec~al z;~eetin held on- the 20th da Y ~ P ~ Y o~ April 194 :~by the follo~ving roll ca~l vote: AY"'S:Councilmen Fhillips~~ehnyder and ??ountree. ~T~':S : TTOTlE . ABS~''T:Co~incilmen Lierly and T~;?enny. In testir~or.y tivhereof I have hereunto set my Yiand 3nd ~~fixed the official s~al of the sa.id City,this 2Cth da,y of Apri19194~. . City Clerk ; iTo further ~usine~s app~aring the old Board does now adjourn. /~'7iJ~ ~/l - ~ . ~ City',Clerl~ Ar~royo Grande ~ California April 2C~1~j48 TJpon adjournr:zent of tYie old Board~the nev~r Board was c~lled to orcler by the Clerk. On roll call Councilmen Phi?lips,Schnyder~~ountree~Clark ~.nd Dixson reported present. On motion of Councilman Schnyder~second.ed by Councilman Cl~.rk Councilman Phillips ';:'as appointed te~porary Chairman. - Chairman Phillips then called for nominations for 1!"ayor~the name of H.R.Phillips vvas plac-~d in nominat~on~and on motion of Councilrr~an Schnyder~Seconded by Councilman P.ountree he was unanim- ously elected r~Ray~Sr. There was a general discussion of different subjects and ll~ayor Phillips appointed the follo~~ing Gommittees: Polic e and ~'ire ~ Couneilm~n C1ark~Dixson and ~.ountree. ~`inanc e ~ Councilm~n Schnyder and Rountree. Streets and To~rvn Property~ Councilmen Dixson~Schnyder and Clark. ',`,~ater Department~ Councilmen ~.ountree~Dixson and Clark. ~`?o further business a,r,pearin~ and upon motion the meeting Vras ad j ourned. ~ . ~ttest: ~ i ~ City Clerk ~~a U