Minutes 1948-04-21 38~ Arroyo ~ran~e9California April 21~1948. The City Council met in regular session with I~~ayar H.R.Phillips presiding.TJpon roll c~ll Councilm~n Schnyder~~ountree~Clark and ~ixsan reported present. P~~inutes of the previous meeting were read and a~proved ~s read. eommunications were read and placed on file. lv:r Mc~ride~ chairman of the Harvest Festival Committee appeared be~ore the Cou~:cml to request n:::rmission to block off Short Street from Branch Street to the Creek and Branch Street f'rom ~hort St; to Bridge Street and to erect ba~ners ~cross lO1 Highway and on Branch Street for the period of' three days~~Sept;23~24 a,nd 25. ~4ayor u.R. Phillips was to take the matter up with the State Highway Dept. It was also reported that the Harvest Festival Committee was giving $ 500.00 to the '~ecreati~n Project and if the City ~vould , donate $280.00 for this year tt`,vrould not be necessary to ca~l an~ elect`on to raise the money and they would see hov~r the project would work out. Counc;lman Rountree made a motian~seconded by ' Councilman Dixson to give the Reereation Project the $ 280.00 f'or this ye~r. '~;~CLUTIOhT N0. 1&~j . ~ A nESQLUTIC~I~T TG~ ADD GRAl`~D AV~NE TO TF?E STR~~TS OF ~~1AJC~R ~ I?'~PORTe41`TC E. ~ Passed and adopted by the f'ollowing roll call vote: AY~: Councilmen Phillips?~chnyder~Rountree~Clark and Dixson. . N~ES:None. AB5~~T:None. A motion was made by Councilman Schnyder,secon~ed by Councilman Rountree to accept Tti~r Guy Ste~ti~art~s resignation from the Planning Commission. Tt~ayor Phillips suggested th~.t Aubrey P.Hawk be asked to fill TvIr Stewart's unexpired term and Councilman Rountree made a motio~ . seconded ~y Councilman Dixson to a~noint ~~ir Hawk to serve on the Planning Commission. 'I'he agreement for the ~as tax money to be svent on the streets of major importance Uaas discussec~ and the I~:°ayour ~nd clerk were authorized to sig;n an a~reement for 2500 dollars to be spent on ~eneral maintenance and for 3600 dollars to be spent on construct- ion. The first reading of the chan~ed ~rdinance f'or the licensing of dogs was heard. There v~3s some discussion on char~-~G to be macle f'or sevrer h~ok- ups and i~ras a~reed to have P.ir Conr~.d-`vork out a price for ther~l~ - and it wa. ~ su~~ested the Va? ley Sheet i~etal cont~ct ~~~r Conrad for prices. f '~:~OLt?TION T~7Q.186. A~~'SOLUTICN AUTTSC'RI7ITTG A CH"~RG OF ~ 2Q.00 FOR ~CH ~~ET~'u~ I1"ST4LLATIn~T F'RnT.i S?0`.'i 0?'?. Passed and adopt~d by the followin.g roll call vote: AY~:Counci7.r.~en Fhillips~Schnyder~Rountree~ Clark ~nd Dixsor~. N~ES: None. ABS~TT: ~.Tone. A ri~ht of way for a 4 inch `^~ater line in back of the buildings on the south side of Rranch 5treet ti:!~.~ discussed and it Vaas su~~gest- ed to contact the property ov~mers:,to see if one rlight be obtained. The Clerk was mnstructed to notify the Board of Su~ervisors that the City v~o?zld have to close tne dur:lp about the first of Aug- ust as all av~.ilable space ~vould be used u~~. l~~ayor Pnillips named Councilmen Schnyder~Dixson and Clark to vt~ork on a nevl ~arbage ~rdinance. ~.~Tr Harris brou~ht up the ma.tter of the re~r~;~ointr~ent of anpointive officers and ~ersonnel and ~x*~lained there were several vaays it could be done.!'he Cor~mittees a~reed to r~eet and discuss the m~_tter ~nd c~ll a rneetin~; the first of the wee~~ to s~e I~zo~~ it !^aould be handled. It vv~~s :~oved and seconde~'~ th~_,t t'r_e street Supt. h~ve the west , end of l~~°ay s Lraet €rraded. TTo further business a;~pearin:; and u~~ on motion the meeting v~aas ~ .~dj ourned. L:~~~L~JO~.~` ~ ~ ~7""~, r~"~'`. " . I j AT'1 ~ T : ~r . ~~L~'~~~~~~'~"'~-`_.. Clty Clerk ~ ~~vor