Minutes 1948-05-05 3~7 qrroyo ~rande~CaTifornia T~,~Iay 5 ~ 1948 The City Council met in regular sessian ~;zth ~2ayor ~-?.~.Phillips ~residing.Ubon roll call Councilmen Sehnyder~I?ountree~CZark and Dixson re~orted present. The minutes of the nrevious meeting ~^rere read ~.nc3 a~?proved as read.The comriunications c~ere read and pl~.ced on file. ~ The cl~~rk ~~as instructed to ~~rrite r~r J~mes ~?~kamura ~y ~irmail in re~a_rd to a ri~ht of v~7ay for a~.~dater line across his ~roperty. The co?~~r_~ittee to ~r~ork on ~~.rb~~e ordinanee talked ~bout havin~' r~~eting ~nd ~_~ked about having~ r,7r vates ~iresent to discuss the ~atter. Councilman Cl~.rk ~sked about h~vin~ some r~el ehLZCk holes filled un ~ r_ -f'ront of ~he Lo~ Ga.bin T.~ark~t ~nci T.':r ~,~rin~- `~d~a~ ir~structed to t~ke c,~re of the m~_tter. ~~,~ITTA T?'G I~TC~• ~8 • Ai~I ORDIrT.~P?Ci~ PT?C~~jIDI~`r~' FC`~ TF?E ~i~GI~iR~.TI(~I`T C~F DC~GS `~~ITzIIN T~~E CITY 0~ A~~"ZdYC~ CaR~~'Ds,~~TTD PRCVIDT2TG P=~?~i_LTI~ FCR THF VIdLATIOI~T 1^Fj_~ ~C)F . . The G~rdinanc e~Tas read ~ and up on moti on ~~ahi eh vaas s ec onded and c~rried~was adopted by the follovying vote: AT~~: Councilmen Philli~s~Schnyder~Rountree~Clark and Dixson. h?0~ : I~TOne . AF3-~rT: None. T~':r uarris the C~ty_Attorney read the ordinan~e pertaining to sev~~er hook ups for tr.e first time . ~ Don Sha~'f_ er asked ~.bout a nevr vr~ter line so he vaould ha~ve ~iore tr.rater precsure ~~.t his station ~nd there cPV~~s ~ discussion ~s to rights of ways etc. r.~r Harris vvas authorized to ~^arite the r.":otor Vehiele Dept;asking for help from the State highwa~ Patrol in making investig~tions of any serious accidents taking place Gvithin the City of Arroyo Grande. R~t~Lj3ITI0N 1~T0.187. ?~~SOLU~~ 'I'~~'A~T :A PARk>I~TG PL~4C~: LE _FSTaBLI i~I~ FC~R POLICr~ C:4.~t ~I~TD CO1'T~~A~LF,S C~R IS~ rRCT?T C~F THv J[7STIC~ CC~L~T,S~ID SPACE T4 C~l~'SIST OF T~E FI~ST P=~?~~~r?G ~P"~CE C~T? EITH~ SIDE QF TT~~ CRO~S 4~IALk:. P~ssed and a.dopted b~r the follov~ring ro1.l call vote: Av~: Cour~cilmen Phillips~achny~er~Rountree~~lark and Dixson.. A?0~: None. A~S ~TT: RZone . Bi~ls against the General Fund for ~ 2,6~'S.25 and the ~`1ater Fund , for $ 975•10 were audited,a~proved and ordered x~aid. I~TO further business appearing and upon motiony the meeting ~,vas - ~d~ ourned. ~ ATT~T: ~'/.3~. ~iAGr,,~e~~ Psl ..1~, ,.J ~ity Clerk ~ It?.A