Minutes 1948-06-10 ~ R~sor~~orr nro.188. BE IT R~OLV~D~ by the City ~ouneil of the City of Arroyo Gra~~.e that following charges shall be made for permits to hook-up to ~ity sewer facilitiess I. For diEeet hoo~-up to a City sewer main outside af the City . ' Y;~. , limits ~~the sum of I2~.00 per residenc e hook-up. 2. For 2 or more persons who constrmet their own laterals and, . hook into the City main?a ch~rge of ~ 50.40 per residenee hook-~tip. 3. F'ar hook-ups to ~ny trunk line ~nside the City limits~the u. sum of $ g0.00 per residence hook-up. ~4`~~ B~ it further resolved that in addition to the above hook-up char~es~a serviee charge of $1.50 per month shall be made f'or all persons using eity se~,~er facilities ~rho live outside the Cit~r limits. ~ Passed and adopted by the following Poll call vote: AY~3 Couneilmem Phillips~Schnyder~Rountree~Clark and Dixson. N'0.~: None. . ~ ABSE~TT: Nc~ne. ~ ~~~LI?TICTT ~r._ TT~ CI'I`Y ~~°U~`~c1L ~:~r. _i.~~ ~ ~ n~~_.~~~ _ ADOPTIT~TG RZT"~rr~l AA~ ^~P`'~C~VI~TG ~r~~~CRa.T?DUI±:? nF A~R ~'~:~"EI~?T FOR ~PF"~T~7ITCT~?~ C~F C7~S TAX AL:I~OC?~TIC~~T FOR r,TA~.OR CI`I~ ST?~'~~TS. Pas~ed and ~_~?o~ted b,y the follov~ain~ roll call azotez Ayes: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Rountree~Clark ana Dixson. No es : I~Tone . ybsent: None. -j'he co~municat~:on from the'.'iomen~s C.lub v~ras discussed and t,tayour Phillips ~~-~~ointe~ Councilman ?Zountree to aet on the ~ecre~tion Co!~unission ~or the ~ity Council. The extension of rrand Avenue va~s discussed and ~~ir Conra.d u~as asked to consult vvith l~-tr Gibson of the Nighvaay De~bt; on the ~0 foot strip for ri.> ht of ~rJ~_y. ~Tayo~ Phillips rer?orted he h=ad talke~ some ~ith Nir ~of~hl about asite for resevmir and also looked over a site on ~~.nother knoll a little hi~her up on the Brisco Tract. There was some discussion a~out a ri~-ht of v~~ay over the Dixson r~~r^perty for the v~tater line ta ~e l~~.id in that, a.rea but no aefinite ~etion ~as t~ken. A r~otion was ~ade by Councilman :4ountree~seconded by Gouncil- man Dixcon to remove ~:"r Coo~er from the pay rol]_ as of June ~Oth. .~.ttorney Harris reported he had be~n nmtified that the Shi~r- ley ~a~e v~as to be a~-pe~.led to a hi~~her court. ~t w~s suggested the City put up some signs to slow tr~ffic on the Hi~hway ~nd ~ir P.~cCoy v~~as to contact the proper Nig~hway Officials ~.bout signs. Bi lls against the General Fund for ~fi 1 421.6R ~ the ".;•'ater Ftznd for ~ 2~004.5~~the `~ater Deposit Fund for ~ 4.00 ~nd the Capital Outlay ~und for ~ 8~3.12 were ~udite~.~a~proved and ordered ~aaid. I~TO further business appearin~ and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. _ ' , ATT~T:~`~ i~~ City Clerk T~ay r '~rroyo Urande~California ~~une 10~ 1948 A s~ecial meeting was called to discuss the Grand Avenue extension ~nd a site for ~_nother resev~ir. I~.Zayor Philli~s presided ~.nd the following Coune~lmen ~n~ere pre- sent~Schnyder~'~ountree ~nd Clark.~bsent Councilman Dixson. lt:r Vard L~oomis from the Planning Commission~~l I~ir Ben Conrad and C.V~T.MeCoy were present also. The recom.mendations of the Plarning Commission for the pur- chase of the 80 foot for tne extension of Grand ~.venue was discussed and Councilman ~ountree made a motion~seconded by Councilman ~chnyder authorizing l~r Ben Conrad to conduct ne~o~- ations with Saruwat~ri and ltis Linstrum for the 80 foot strip. : The resevoir site on the Friseo property ~~as discussed and I~"r Conrad was instructed to r~ake a survey for the ~ite and the City would purch~se ~rh:~.tever l~nd necessary ~t the pfiice of $ 1000 per ~cre. ~ther matters were discussed but no further a.ction taken. ~To further business appearing the meeting was adj ur ed. ~ / ~ . ' Attest: . , _ City Clerk yo m _