Minutes 1948-06-16 390 ~ Arroyo ~rande~Calif'ornia ~ ~ une ~.6 ,1948 ~ The City Council met in regv.lar sessio~} with ~TayoP F~.R.Phillips , presiding.TJnon roll call Councilmen Rountree~Clark and I~ixson reported present:A~is~nt Councilman Schnyder. The mintates of the previous re~ul:~r and speci~T ~?eetings were re~d ~nd a~~roved as read.The communieations were read and placed on file. Councilman Dixson r~3de ~ motion~seconded by Councilman Clark to proceed with the water ~.ine out t~ the east part of' tov,m and ~ar ~1cCoy vvas to run the line and cont~ct ~~r ~"l.M.Lyles co. to lay the line. Councilman Dixson made a motion~seco'nded by Councilman Rountree to authorize ~.ttorney Harris to prepare papers ~.nd ~Layor Phillips to enter into an ~greement ~aith the C~pitol Company to erect a si~nnal li~ht on top of the Bank Building for ~olice. It ~vas moved and seconded that a si~n be m~de ~nd put up at the Br~nch ~tr~et ~roperty~st~ting the property was for s~le and to contact the City Office. CounEilm~n Rountree st~ted he wished to ~mend the motion m~de in a previnus meeting in re~ard to 1!~~r Cooper and Councilman Dixson then made a motion~seconded by Councilman Rountree to reinstate I~r Cooner as per sehedule. Councilznan Clark made a motion~th~t ~ flat $ 15.00 per month raise be given to alI full time ~mployees~said raise to be des- ignated a" Cost of Livin~^'~ r~ise,it being understood that shouTd there be a decrease in the cost of livin.g that the Council may terminate or decrease the raise ~s may be in the best intents of the City~the motion vras seconded by Councilman Dixson. Councilman Rountree made a motio~i~seconded by Councilma.n Clark to raise T.~r Coober to ~ 50.C~0 per month. J~mes ua.rtman re~orted th~t he had ~een fin~.ing hor~es for some of the strdy dogs and ~skPd if that ~raas agreeable with the Council? It was moved ~.nd seconded th=~t he use his ~u~gement in re~ards to the ~lacing of do~s~~lso that he be reimbursed for the p~.a.rch~.se of a 1J1.Stfl1 ~0 use in disp~sing of sor~e of the do~s. A.motion was made by Councilman Clark,seconded by Councilman F~ountree authorizin~ l~~ayor Phillips to appoint three members of t~e RecreationaT CommiMsion ~nd those three to appoint 2 more. P:Zayor Phillips a~pointed Councilman l~ountree from the City Council, h7r ~?en Tog;nazzini from the High School and ~~r ~',dwin Taylor from the rra~.r!Zar Sahool ~.nd they in turn n~med ~rrs Heidker and ~4rs Don ~owe all to hold o'fice at the ~leasure of the Council. It was su~~ested that lines ~nd'rStop" be p~inted on r"ason St. =~t its intersection with A1~en Street and to contact the Safety ~.gineer of the Hi~hway ~ept; about si~ns on the ~ii~hw~y. ~'o furtller business a~pearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. f Attest:y~~~ • ~ 3! ~ , C~ty Clerk r,~Tayor ` , _ _ ~