Minutes 1948-06-29 3~ 1' ~ ~,.~'"!'n`,r~ ~rS'~T7C'(' ~'~_i~r?'~'?"?1~ ~"~urie . ~ _ =,4~ . ~ p r' ~ n~ c~. c,'~ ~ x'. i'.:'r? ~ i -!-'l P ~r ~xr~ n r_ p 'fi i~?_ f~ ~ ~ y 1. t . , ~_~P_ct 0~. ~1 : _ '0_ 0.',1Il~' . , - • n 'f C T"lt~r ~°~~,cr~ n-c' ~~I~".-. ~ • ~ t r, ~~.._c ; , c ..L ~ ; tt. __lvs Fe~ , ,;-~e se~ttin~ a _ ~ a:~~~n~v~r ,"-~v ~~r° t~~:P Ci_tv F~~ice ~.~,~d~e..i,~:e ~,~~rr~l~rt o~' t~,~ CitF,rs ~o~ation tOv~,~'P ~'tPC'i'P~t,?_<`7? ~'17I~~1 =3_Yl(1 f,`~,° Xi~.i;,:`,~I' n-F' C71cu;~,pr?~1~1tc' ?;1t:~". TtS' ~7.Z1. :iT'nplG r,'1.t,~r ~.rtC:~ (~O1.1T~!.;V ~17It1X?. , ~ Z("'~?7.rC1 I7!~' ~!:.~PT'S t,%°3'F? T)I'°cE,'Y'i~ %1'-.C~. T:`_~.~i`O1' 1.~~"11.1i 1~S '~I':=.:S1C1E?rL. ~'0?171C1_~?'1~71. ~CI~r~;(~~T' L'~~~"'~? '"~Ot;1.~Ti~:,~?Cnrlr °,'1 CO~z'~C=' ~!?m;'~77 '~1XSOI? r.~t`~,t `~'"T'~21t F* ~ fi,-,n r` ~ i ^C'~i ~.C ~ ;7C` ~z ~ uenPra~ _ ~_znc~ ~='~r . . . e ~r._~vn in ~ ~'~vor o:' tre k~~~~r~ovo r.r°~n<1~ TTniort TYi~h Sch^oI -'or the ~itwT's Gor.~ation to ti~e `~Acre~.tiofl Furd. :,rk Y~ Y, t~,~t r~a •;nd J-~r~es "~a.rtm_arl had ~3•one to ~ C'o~~nc ~l~~n ~'1~~~ _ P ~rfi~,~_~ ~~nta r~r:~-~r=~ to ~_~ok oz., er t~-~e ~;Q~ ~nd ~'oun;~ it to bP ; r, T,ery ~aod C~I"1"t1-G~_017. COUY1C11.T~.^11 }':C~'1nGr~~E?T' 1"i!~'~'~2 1"!1pt10ri~S~COTIC.~~~ ~'~jr COUr~C11?"'.~71 Dixson >~atii~rizin~: t:nP p~.zrc?~:i~e of the i~ep. ~ 'The ~~:lary of t~.e rolice ~:ud~=e ti~a~.~ c~~scus~ea =~nd Co~ar_c~:lman : c.z~:.,rder r~ad.e ~ motion'secorr~.e4i l~y Co~~ncilman ~ountree to ~ay ~?~e c. UC~~?'2 ?~5. C'C' i.?°T' r'.071t,~1 ~E',r 1'",_''].1T1€° V'1f,17 c. !.li~r Z~ ZQI~~ ~ G'0?.17'~C1.,,.171~I1 :_<.OUI1tT'PP_ re'"?QI'~eGL ~i'?a.t T,"T' ."1T'r?O?C~ !r,:raS t0 ~":P I"'lOt~'e~ ~'rC!'" '~,he Cit~r ana Gounty ~um~ r>zr Jul~r?.~1~~4~,so his fee of 20.~0 per mon~.h ;°.as to ~ton t~ ith ~tA~c ~::onth o~ June. Ccuncilm=zn ~~~~zntrA~ also stat,~~ tha,t he ~~~o~:11d like to t~ke his V~'1-C~t.10I1 7121 ~'t~~~.r ~TlC1 tl.'O'.aiC~ ~")e `-,i-•c~7'.i. ~'T'QI" ~:.t. ~°a.~"t. OTI ? I''iE',2t171€'.r'T2 ?Z~D bI'0?~s~''~`lt Ll~ t~1P SUb~,E?C~ Oi' I1atP1r1~`' t'n@ C~_~.T1Ce i r'r?iT1c1T1C8 c.TIlE?21C~2C? '~.S ?°rs I~ enctine rerorted c~~e =.:~a~> rot =~~le to ~ay ~~.C`0 ~~r dance or ~ ~~.CO rer r~a~rter. "'he r~atter ~.~=~_s nisct~ssed b~~t no ~ction t^ken ~~s ~ t v,ould ha_ve t~ be talren t~.~ v,~ith the Ci',,y ~f;~ttorrev. ~?ills ~~:~inst t'ne C~er~ral ~?lnd f~r ~fi ~3C~.OC tA:~ere a~_zditec~~ariprov~ nnc~ ~Pdered *?aid. "To further busiress anrearing and ?inon. motion the me~tin~ T~,~.s ~d~~ourned. ~ „ , ` t t e s t : ~.G~`~vt,a. d°~ 4c'+.2 ~ ~.:c ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + k Clty Clerk :Tnvo ~ ~ ;~rroyo Gran~e C,~lifornia 4'~1V 7 ~ ~ ~4~ Tne City Council r~et in re~alar Ce~sion t°:Ti.th ~'ayor ".~?..P~iillips l,r~esidin~-. T7Y~on x~o~ 1 call ~o~.zncil_m~n acnn~rder~C?ark and '~i~~~~n ~e~orted ~resert.c~bsent Co!lnciir~an ~o~~ntree. '1~?P '"11T:!~t~'S Oi ~t~"?E3 t~r'PZ710i:1S 2'd"°,AZ':i' ^_21c~ Sr` Cl`'1 I??2~'t1r1P' ~"ere T'2aC~ ar.~. ~~r,roved as r•ead.- . . "or~m;znications r.~ere x°ea<' ~r_c~ rlacUd o~r~ -~'i1e. nTr Zoe~~?er :'rorn 5~r?ta rT~r-~;~ ,=~,s ~r~ser~t to , hi.d on t~!~ used . _ n~,~mr e~~zi~ment ~ nc~ t~~e~°e ~rel°e :no c~oser~ ~id~ i.n ?`~~=or Flii, lins , . c~{CQ `~:~1" ~~1C~S ~'T'0~'~' ±~1~'!~Y~r~ . r-~cc.7-i-~ Y ~;~pTM~F~ m~ar~~ Z 0i' r1' O ~ ' l :_:z' ~ b_.d C~~ .C~ ~OT' l~i~ ~'°~:t~~Oi' C~~~1rn~ ~ i_;~(:~.h~F? ~1;_E' ~_"l::^~'±~..Y?s~ ~I~~. tL)r','I1s">? ' OI7 t.~"i.° i? c~Jt`d~r~? 1i0~'':'.LS ~i~~, c~-~ 1~ ~ ~~_~G rfn 'Y, r, • ~ _ - ,•Q.t~.~ -or ~,a he~da ~a}:in~ a. tota_1 Of' »~~'~~r~' iOT' t;~'1P. ~'CII.,'~'lY~I?1oT1~~ ~~„PT' c..-t.: CU~:CIC~T1 Cn'._'71C1~ITia'' ~C~II~~ICi2:C' 1"'_a~ae ?"'10t,1OT1'SPC07? ~+tr C"n~17~C1~P'~]'? )1XcOT1 ~O ~C'~'Pt~-t +i-,t~ 1-~;~: Oi ~ROPY.",?T'. V O T' t'~l~ 1'~ S P, T? c3. ~ K E~ C~ 1 f' ~1 T' t"' a'' 4: I' P_ ,-a T ~ ~r~fr ~,ids or tti,~, Trnlt arr?. ~!~~.a "':,'!t~I's p"-r_' *Tt T~7`'~ _~_'~~_1°f_':.~. ?'~c?(a.e ~ ^,,.:~.t~x Of' ~ ~G.C'C' ~r t.,'rl° ?~',lcl.a ~~?'!;'1 ~r.~~~l ~n -f',n "Tr;~~. CO<<171C1. i.'_'.2?"t~C -7, w,~.:.~' c`~. P.:0~~10Ylycr~C:'OT'~~r_P.Cx . hv Coune ' nQ . ~ ~ lman ~ _ , _ J1Y,_:~JT~i .,p @Ct :f'.~_ ^_l_CiS C?T~ f;~2~? _r.?~?~ Y'~. ~n~? ±-~pnUF3St ,-~;~(.7F? r}t" j,:~iH~r'la.'_'"`T51.7?Er (',.~,.r-~,rril~S702'i f'CaI' SOPl!-? ~.C ~~.027 ~_°r'C1TT1 t'-,~~ Citv C,ouz~cil nr~ tnE:, ~~1~'~~~~~ C~rd;r~:r;ce ~::~a.s ta'_~:en i_zn and it ~.:~as a~-~reed to r.~eF-~t i'~orld~~_v ~~`zl~,r 1~.1~:;n~ At ~ P.~~'?. t~ discu~~s ~t~e Ordirr~r~cA. `i~2 l'JL11Z.C1.127~'' nI: ~'E'I~CE' =~~lC~ S~l~~. 1.21 ~~?C'r: 0~ t;:P ~'1t~~r ?-T~.?.l ~"'c~-.S ~1SCUSS~~ '~7?C3 1.t ~.':;~5 C2C1.C`~.~?ri t0 ° t,''~i=?_t . ~.C' X ~d S:-?~'~, ~'"CU~C] C~St,• '7~~r'~ITT`i1~~' ~T~. 1QC~ Il ~CL~;/.~79 t?~~at ~a~ ly °~'o Road from t~~e northerl~ Git~r I,ir~its to its intersection ~~~rit~~ r~~"asorl ~~r~eet ir t;~7e Cit~r of ~r. ~~~o~ro ~'zran~~e is ert~ rel;r ~.:~fitl:in ~:~~esidentiai. aistrict. 4 . _ Trl~ ;,T~~'~~=~"~ ~'~'c^I~j~~thnt tnP ~~a~d ~imi.t ~n said road in said ~ area~~~e ~na t3~1e same is hereti°~it~i _~'i~x_e~ at 2~ rr~iles ~~e~ houz~. ~:s IT HrTZ",~:T~? ~;:;t~I_~T:'~~ti~at s,~lcz ~?o~.c ~e siF~n--r.oste~. s~ ~s to ~ indicate the sp~Pc~. 1~_rr,it ~f r~ ~~i3es ~er hour. ~ Passeci ar~d ador~ted by the follo~in~-~ ro~ 1 c~11. vote: ' Councilmen Fh~ ~ lips ~ :~chry*der9C.? ~rk ~~rc~ nix~or. ^;O~.S: ~'one. S'~S ~T'"~^ :~aunc i lm~ n:< our.t,r e e.