Minutes 1948-09-15 ~9$ . ; ~ ~ .qrroyo Grande, Calif, September 1~, 1948 ~ ~ The City Council met in regular session v~ith P~ayor H. R. Phtllips presiding. tTpon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder! C1ark and Hawk reportecl present. 4bsent~ CQUncilman Dixson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ~r¢~. approved as read. Communications were read and placed on file. An Ordinance far the ~doption o~' the I~47 Uniform Flectri- cal Code was read for the first time b,y I~r. Harris. The headin~ of Ordinance ##~0 was read and Councilman Schnyder made a motion, seconded by Councilman Clark~ to waive the balance of the second reading of the Ordinance. ORDI~IA~,~GE #~9~ Ordinanc e of the City of }lrroyo ~ra.nde regulating the Opening~ Conducting and carrying on of Publie Dances~ Dance Halls~ and Dancing Clubs in the City of Arroyo Grande~ and repealing aIl ordinances in conflict herev~ith~ and fixing penalties for the viola- tion thereof. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote; AY~`5r Cauncilmen Fhil~ips~ Schnyder~ Clark~ and Hawk I~~F~; None AF_.S~?'~s Councilman Dixson. It was moved and seconded to have the motorcycle covered by $50.00 deductible collision insurance. There was some discussion about a measuring device or weir at ~he Imhoff Tank~ and also gome grading of the Imhoff Tank~~~r. Conrad said he would take care of the measurin~ device~ and the oth~r v~rk would be taken care of as soon a~r equipment would be available to do the work. The subject of a City Dump was discussed and Mr. Harris suggested that letters be written to the Pismo Beach City Council and A the ~an Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors asking them to a~point one member each to meet with one me~nber from the Arroyo Grande City Concil to talk over the dump situation as the City of ~?rroy~ Grande was not able to obtain and maintain a dump f or this area. The Garbage Ordinance was discussel~ and I~.r. Haxris sug~ested that Mr. Hansen~ from the Health Depa.r'tment~ be asked to look over the Ordinance before its passage. `i'~ie resignation of RIIr. Ewin~ was discussed and the Council accepted the resi~nation with regret~ to become effective Oetober 1~'~ 194$. It was decided to wait further about fillin~ the position. The communication from the Plannin~ Commission in regard to an offer for the ~ar~~t~,ri property was discussed. Mr. Harris s~ag- gested the eouncil get ~hree good men to make an appraisal of the property~ and thought they might contaet the ~tate Hiway Dept.~ and see who they would use for ~ppraisals. Mr. Conrad was authoriaed to get three men to make the appraisal. The Crossin~ ~uard on I01 and Allen ~treet was discussed.~ and the Clerk was tnstructed to write a letter to the Grammar School. • Counci lman Schnyder made a motion~ seconded by Councilma.n Clark~ appointin~ Mr. S. l~T. Denison to serve on the qrroyo Grande Planning Commission for 4 years. Harry Hart asked about the contribution to the ~lrroyo Grande Fire IIept.~ and Concilman Cl~rk made a motion~ seconded by Cauncilman Hawk~ to contribute the $100.00 for this year. A?o f~,irther business apnearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. , ~ ATT~"T:~1~.. ~'c.~ 11,L+~L~a~:~ ~`~~"~~;~'G~~-~-.._-~_ • „ ~~-tY Clerk ~ga~or ~